You will find words that have been given to our ministry and others here. Read them, let them minister to you individually and share them with others
For I would say unto you, my child, do not be dismayed at the shaking that is going on around you and even in you. For this shaking is of me. My child have I not said that all that could be shaken will be shaken? And it shall increase exponentially. For it must happen to bring my creation to the foot of my throne in repentance. Yes, my child, I am allowing this shaking, and there will be much more. There will be shakings in the environment, in the weather, in the political realm, and more importantly, in the church. For there are many that would call me Lord, but they do not know me. For, if they knew me, they would hear my voice and follow me. Many are leading my people astray saying peace and safety when there will be no peace and safety other than that which is found in me.
Spend time alone with me. I am jealous for your time saith the Lord. I long for those that say they love me to just get quiet and sit at my feet, letting me touch them deep in their souls. Many are weary, for they have been in many heated battles, some of which were not for them to fight. It is time to withdraw from those things that bring you weariness and just sit at my feet. Let me show you what true love is my child. Let me wrap my arms around you and wipe your tears. Let me carry you through the deep waters, and through the fires that are coming. For I am with you through the chaos, and I am with you through the fire. But these things must come to bring purity to my bride, and a cleansing of the temple.
Oh, my child, the temples are full of vanity and pride, and they must go. The temples are full of deceit and wickedness, and they must be removed. So, as you look at the shaking, know it is for a season to bring you and my body into a pure relationship that depends only upon me. There is no greater support than that is given from the rock that you can lean on, and that rock is me, saith the Lord. Turn your ears off of the chaos and focus on the assignment that I have given you. There are so many distractions that are trying to pull you away from me. Some look very innocent, but they are a trap to keep your eyes off me, saith the Lord. Do not walk in fear. Let the faith that you have developed rise up in you for such a time as this. I have put the scepter out and all you need to do is touch it and you will receive your heart’s desires. Do not focus on things but rather focus on the creator of all things.
There is coming an unravelling that will bring down the house of cards, which was not built on the solid rock. Oh, that my children would see with spiritual eyes and not the natural, for these things have to happen to fulfill my word that has been spoken in times past. There will be an unravelling, and there will be a curtain call, for the time of playing is all over. This is the time to be more intent on hearing my voice than ever. Do not be caught off guard. Guard your heart my child, for the traps are being set, and the time of great trouble is at hand. Stay close to me and know that as you go forward, there may be bumps and bruises, but I will see you through if you trust me, saith the Lord. Trust will be shaken in the natural, and in the spiritual realm. Be careful who you open your heart to because the heart is wicked and deceitful. Be careful of the words that you speak over yourself, for they will either bring life or death. I pray for you my child that you will not falter in the days ahead. I am waiting for you in the secret place saith the Lord.
I was at our bank today using the ATM machine. It asked me if I wanted a new debit card that represented 2025 - The Year of the Snake. It is the Chinese year of the snake. I declined, of course, but it seems that if this is the year of the snake then we will see the work of the snake that was in the garden doing his dirty tricks in the open.
At the same time, we should remember Ecclesiastes 10:8 that says, "He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite.”
We should be very cautious in our walk with the Lord. He is our hedge of protection. Sin will cause that hedge to be broken and give Satan a legal right to bite us. Never underestimate his tactics. Stay constantly in a state of repentance so he has no legal rights.
I decree that we shall crush the head of the snake with the anointing of God and destroy every assignment he will try to fulfill. Instead of the “year of the snake” I say it is the year that we see that snake destroyed.
I watched the entire inauguration of Donald Trump yesterday. I saw him come forward to be sworn into office. The Chief Justice did not give his family time to join him before the swearing in. Melania Trump held a family bible and the Lincoln bible that he would place his hand upon.
Because the justice started the swearing in before the family came forward, Donald Trump did not have his hand on the bible. I am not blaming Donald Trump, his wife, or the justice for this, but later yesterday God showed me that this was a sign. It was not a sign against Trump or his family or the justice.
This is what the Lord showed me. The untouched bible, which is the Word of God, and Jesus Christ, which is the Word made flesh, was a sign indicating that the Word is missing in America. Many say they know the Lord but NEVER take time to read the Word for themselves. They are caught up in the political agenda and have left the spiritual aspect out.
This sign is an indicator that the American church and perhaps the church worldwide has put its trust in the wrong things. We have elevated man instead of elevating God. Without God as the center of our lives we are in a dangerous place.
The “sign” is also an indicator that there are dark days ahead. If you recall the “dark ages” came when “barbarians” defeated Rome. It caused economic decline, spiritual decline, and a world that was “dark.” We are now at that same precipice. We are as Paul wrote in 2 timothy 3:5, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: FROM SUCH TURN AWAY.”
Religion without an intimate relationship with a Holy God voids the intimacy one has with the Lord. We must turn away from this and turn to God. There is a remnant that is hearing from the Lord, and will make a stand for truth, but that remnant is smaller than most think. There is a price to pay for making a stand for God and His word, and most are on the fence with that.
Will America ever be great? Is the sign of the untouched bible relevant? I believe judgment is here; first at the house of God, then our country. When judgment comes, it comes to bring godly sorrow, which brings repentance, which brings restoration. Then and only then will a nation be great.
Without true repentance and a turning back to God and His Word, we will become like all other empires that turned away from God and are no longer of importance.
Our hope must in God and His word. Let us conclude with Joel 2:12-13 which says, “Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.”
Is the sign of the untouched bible relevant? Absolutely! I can only pray that your bible is opened, read, and touched!
Do you hear the wind my child? Yes, it is blowing, and it will continue to blow. It will accelerate in many places, and you shall see some things that will bring fear to many, but not to you, for you have learned to trust me through these things. For the wind is bringing destruction, and the destruction is bringing cleansing, and the cleansing will bring restoration. Oh, that my children would have come into the place of repentance before this will happen, but many are content to live in their sin. I am displeased that so many that call me their Lord are living secret lives of sin. The wind will expose many, for in this hour of cleansing it shall bring divine judgment. I have declared for generations that repentance should come, but as Israel of old did not repent, so my church has stood idly by and let sin come into the camp. The wind shall rend, tear up, bring down and pull out sin from my people. I will not allow sin to remain in the house of the Lord. You shall see much more than the wind coming my child, for chaos shall increase. Where those that say that peace and safety are present will see that they are not hearing from me. For I have warned and warned but deaf ears after deaf ears have turned from my voice. Many have even said that God would never do this in America, but yes, I will. For I am a righteous God, and long suffering, but I am also a God of justice. I build up and I tear down. This is a season of tearing down like no other. You shall see signs in the heavenlies and fear will sweep across the land, but know that these signs are all part of the judgment that I am bringing upon America and the entire world. The earth is groaning from the level of sin that is present, and I must bring justice to a climax. Watch and see that those that listen will be spared the worst in this hour but also watch and see that many that have trusted in man instead of me will feel the full effect of what is coming. The winds will increase, and things will change my child, but those that have trusted in me will only see it with their eyes. This is not a season to back down from truth. This is the season to stand firm and know that in standing, you will be rewarded. Those that fail this test will lose greatly. So, stand strong, knowing that I will see you through in the days ahead. Be sober and vigilant my child for the enemy would like to destroy, but I am bringing this judgment not to destroy, but to bring restoration. Keep your ears tuned to my Spirit and watch and pray saith the Lord.
As the Lord gave this word to me, I saw a vision of multiple explosions in cities across America and in Europe. Be prepared! No Fear!
Helen Sanders
Prophetic Word
I am hearing the word acceleration for 2025. The Lord is showing us that things in the spiritual and natural realm are going to speed up. I see chaos quickly coming, but I see the power of God stronger than ever upon his remnant. I see miracles and sudden turnarounds, while I see many sudden deaths for those that have not been obedient. Be watchful of who you allow in your inner circle, for there will be an acceleration of betrayals. Things in the natural are not what they seem to be; remember when you hear "peace and safety" that sudden destruction is coming. There is a shift in the spiritual realm, and an acceleration of demonic attacks, while there is a remnant army that will not stand down. They will come against things as warriors for God and there will be many victories. Do not be surprised when you see those that have been sound in doctrine suddenly lose faith. There will be an intensification of demonic activity in the heavenlies, but those that are warriors will not be caught off guard by this, for they have been in the secret place and our Commander in Chief has shown them the enemy’s plans like the prophets of old. There will be an elevation of those that have not been noticed by man, but noticed by God, for they have been faithful. There will be demotion coming for those that have not been faithful and have not repented. Watch as many well-known leaders succumb to the flesh. 2025 is not a year that will go unnoticed, for it will be a year that will be long remembered as the year of acceleration.
Just as in the days with Elijah I will not come to you in a loud voice, an earthquake, or the wind. I will speak to you in a still small voice, but you must get quiet to hear me saith the Lord. For in this hour there are many distractions that are keeping my children from being quiet before me. You must learn to sit at my feet like Mary of old did and let everything that is a distraction be put aside. I long for time with you because you will need my strength and refreshment in the season you are in. There will be many things that will try to draw you away from me. Do not focus on others! Focus on me, the only one that can bring you peace and revelation. For in the quiet times, I reveal my secrets to those that listen. I will show the clear path and open your eyes to see into the spirit realm. For there is an intense battle going on in the spirit realm, my child. The enemy will try to hinder those that would hear my voice and follow what I show them. When I gave Elijah instructions in my still small voice, he left that place of fear and went forth with boldness. His days were full of strength as he continued to lean upon me. I was raising up those that would follow him, but the anointing on Elijah came as he listened to me and followed my Spirit. Do not think that the time ahead will be a time of ease, for it will not be easy, but as you yoke with me in these intimate quiet times, my strength will become your strength. Many of my children are weary because they are trusting in the arm of the flesh and not in me. They are trying to do things in their own strength, and the flesh will fail. When you are yoked with me, and hear my voice, you will be stronger than ever. There is a price to pay to achieve this. It means that you must get quiet and alone with me. Do not allow the time that should be spent with me to become wasted with distractions. Do not let things become of more value than your time spent with me. I will bring you healing. I will bring you wisdom. I will bring you peace. So, again I remind you to get quiet and wait upon me and then you will hear my voice say, this is the way, walk ye in it. Now come aside and hear more of what I would say to you saith the Lord.
There is restlessness in my children, and it comes because of their focus. Oh, my children if you take your eyes off of me then you will be instantly in a state of restlessness, for there is no peace outside of the peace that I give to you my child. When you focus on those things that are around you, the distractions, the deviant events, and the soon coming events that I have told you were coming, you will find that your peace lifts. Yet, if you leave them aside and come into my presence you will not feel restless. For many are hesitant to do the things I have called them to do, knowing that there are many obstacles. This is causing you a restlessness that only can be changed through focusing on me and my promises. Come aside often, even many times an hour and you will quickly feel my peace. For in this season there are many elements both physically and spiritually that will distract you if you focus on them. There are many things that I want to tell you, my child, but you must set aside your fear and know that I will be with you through all the days ahead and chaos that is coming. There is a season of war coming, but as of old, I was with my people, and I will be with you. Trust me now more than ever that my plan for you is good. I will reveal the plan as you sit at my feet and listen. Turn off those things that are bringing confusion and restlessness and come aside with me. I will bring you peace when you do. Now, know for certain that I will never abandon those that spend time with me, for they are like David of old, a man after my heart. Now take a deep breath, let go of the cares and come aside with me saith the Lord.
For I have called you in this season to be a watchman. Yes, you. You are well equipped by my Holy Spirit to watch, warn, and pray for what is coming. I am about to do a shaking that will bring even the strongest of the strong to their knees. They shall see the power of my glory upon them. Many will be overwhelmed, but you must warn them that this is the hour to not faint, but to rise up and be the watchman that God has called them to be. The shaking will intensify in both the spiritual and physical realm. For those that have surrendered their lives to me, there will be a great manifestation of my glory. Oh, my children, this is your hour to rise up, to be clothed in my glory and do great exploits. This is not the season to question me. It is the season to be obedient in even the smallest of things. I am shaking, and the shaking will reveal what my children are made of. Many will find themselves as wood, hay, and stubble, as they go through the fiery shakings. Others will be as precious jewels that the fire will not affect. You shall see the separation of those that are strong from those that are weak. Declare, declare, saith the Lord, declare to those that have been lukewarm that this is the hour to go all the way with me, and not be lukewarm. For the lukewarm shall not be able to go through the shakings without seeing many things in their lives crumble. For I would say in this hour that all false idols will be exposed, and they will either be destroyed through repentance, or they will bring those that will not yield to repentance destruction in their very lives. This is your finest hour, oh watchman. Do not let fear hold you back. The enemy would try to convince you that you are finished, but I would say, that my strength is being perfected in you. You are more than able to do what I am calling you to do because the anointing destroys every yoke of bondage that the enemy would throw at you. Do not try to do what I have called you to do in your own strength, for you too would falter, but if you rely on me for every breath you take, I will use you in this hour. You shall see kingdoms that have come against my children fall. They cannot stand when my glory comes down, for in this hour there will be a fierce battle, but as you lean upon me, you shall be victorious. Do not back down to any threats of the enemy for he is a toothless lion. The lion of Judah will roar through you, and he must flee. Now, resolve to stand, and resolve to go, and resolve to be what I have made you to be saith the Lord.
I would say unto to you today, set aside much time in the secret place with me. I have many things to share with you. Your ears have been full of the chaos of the world, and it is time to get quiet and come to me saith the Lord. For fear is on the horizon more abundantly than ever. Many will fall prey to this evil spirit that is not from me. For, I have given you a mind that is sound, and a heart that can hear my voice if you take the time to come aside. Yes, there are many distractions that would pull you away, but if you come, I will show you the way, the truth, and refresh your life. For you are about to see major changes in the world, and many of them will catch the average person, even my children, off guard. There will be many things pulled down and you will see kingdoms that have been in power be brought to nothing. War is soon coming, and not in isolated places. It will come to even the places that have stood for me. For the days are here where the enemy will be given permission to come against my people, and only those that have put their complete trust in me will come through these days. Picture yourself at a stoplight. Those that run the light will certainly crash, but those that wait patiently for the right timing to go forward will escape harm. Many are in a hurry to do things, when what I require is time spent with me. Daily take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and I shall speak to you through my word. Many are weak because they have not taken time to feed their spirit. You must, I say, must take time to listen more than ever. There shall be a financial collapse and only those that have prepared for hard times will be sustained. Yes, I am the God that multiplied the fish and the loaves, but there must be fish and loaves to multiply. Prepare yourselves for very hard times as you get closer to my coming. Like Elijah, I will supernaturally supply, but you must be where I instruct you to be to receive that supply. Be ready at a moment’s notice to go, do, and be what I lead you to go, do and be. For then, you shall see and accomplish what I have called you to do in this season. Do not let fear grasp your heart. Daily confess before me the word and the promises that will sustain you, for my word will be your bread in these hours that will shortly come. Do not neglect to be the light in the darkness, for souls are depending upon your light to come to me. Now, come to me and wait and listen, for I have much more to say to you, my child.
This word was given to me almost 19 years ago, but the Lord said it is a NOW word for many. As always, read it and let it minister to you. When God uses the word "man" he is speaking to mankind.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Behold, I am raising up warriors like men of old – as Daniel, who will stand with me, and for me, and who will not depart from their faith when adversity, affliction, and fear come. I will uphold them with my right hand. Mine eye searcheth the earth to and fro looking for such. My Spirit shall be upon them, and in them. They will be of such faith that my light shall pour out of them. They shall do great exploits in my name. Fear of God shall fall on men as these warriors come into their presence. Who is on the Lord’s side? - He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his voice unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. Yes, I will put my Spirit upon that man, and he shall do mighty exploits in my name - he shall not fear in the day of trouble, for he stands for truth, and I will uphold him with my right hand. Fear not, saith the Lord, for I am with thee. I am with thee – YEA, I AM WITH THEE, saith the Holy One of Israel. Have you not prayed for this hour? – shall ye not see it with your own eyes? Yea, I shall bring them into my Kingdom with a mighty show of my power. Ye shall see it! Ye shall know it is I that bringeth it to pass. Fear not, for I am your keeper, I am your shield of protection. I am that I am. Be strong saith the Lord, for it shall happen soon. Look not to the left or right. Look unto me, saith the Lord, for I am your deliverer. I am your shield. I am your light. Keep close to me, and ye shall surely see it come to pass saith the Lord.
Helen Sanders
Prophetic Word
You would say, Lord, why have you shut this door? Why are things happening in this way, haven’t I served you with all my heart?
And I would say to you my child, I am shutting this door for they are like old wineskins. I am preparing you for something much greater than you have done before, and your faith is now being stretched. By letting go of the old you are making room for the new. Do not look at this as a time of discipline, for it is not discipline. It is a time of advancement. Your marching orders are being changed. So, do not hesitate to wait before me and see what I am about to do in and through your life. You have been found faithful my child, and I am elevating you into something that only you can do. Why would you want to hold on to the old comfortable places when I have something new and better? So, do not weep at this season, for you are about to see things change. There are many things that will happen rapidly. Your advancement is one of them. For I am going before you to smooth out the rough places. The new path has not been trodden like the old. There will be some hard times, but in those hard times you will find that I am with you. Do not lose sight of the larger plan that I have for you. You have limited me, and now it is time to advance. So, take my hand and let me lead you into fresh green pastures that will yield more fruit than you have ever dreamed of, saith the Lord.
As I contemplated what God wanted you to hear today, I heard this, "Many of you have been tempted to quit. Yes, the battles have been hard, and yes, the road has often been rough, but this is not the time to quit. If you could see into the spirit realm you would see that you are just about at the victory line. So, take a deep breath and resolve that you will not quit this race."
What an encouraging word! We often want to throw in the towel just to find out victory was in sight. I encourage you to take this word from the Lord and speak it over yourself today.
How often I would have you come aside and listen to what I would say, for there is much ahead that will require great faith and without hearing my voice you may fall into deep deception. For a very dark time is coming upon the land. There shall be many hours of chaos and the streets will be filled with the blood shed of the innocent. For, in this hour a cleansing wind is blowing across the land. I am in this wind. I am blowing this wind to bring people to a place of repentance and fear of the Lord again. For just as I visited the house of Moses in times past and caused a leader to be raised up, there were many things that came about through the work that I placed in his hands. I am looking for those that will have the same spirit and be willing to make a stand against leadership that is ungodly. For in this hour, there shall be many things come upon those that I would call the enemies of God. For, there are many that will say Lord, Lord, but I never knew them. They have never made me Lord, it is in name only. I am looking for those that have a heart like David, a heart that would be after me and would quickly repent when my spirit brings conviction. I am looking for those that would put their hand to the plow and not look back. Those that are willing to put their all on my altar and go forward without knowing the complete plan but knowing that I will guide them. I am resolute in bringing this about. There will be no glory given to any man that does not yield to my spirit. For the days on the earth will be so full of violence that many will faint. This is the time to say, no weapon formed against me will prosper and rise up and be as David with Goliath. Yes, there will be many Goliaths but the rock, Christ Jesus is in your hand, and all you have to do is fling that rock, which is the word of God, at the enemy and you will bring him to the ground. Oh, that my people could only see what they truly are made of. They look at the outer man, but the strength in this hour will not come from the outer man. It will come from the inner man, led by my Spirit. Oh, can’t you see what you can do through my power and name? This is not the hour to fear, for I would say that the fearful and liars will not inherit my kingdom. Only those with a resolve to stand for truth and be the remnant that will rise up will be saved in the hour ahead. I would not say look at others and say what about them, for I will deal with each individual on their own. Each one must account for their own actions. This is the time to look inwardly and not outwardly. Will you be that one? Will you carry my word into the gross darkness that is coming and is already here? Will you be the one to stand for truth when those around you compromise? If that is you, then you shall surely see victory in and through you saith the Lord. Now prepare, for the season at hand will reveal much in my people as to what they are leaning upon. Do not try to reason this out with your mind. The mind will fail you. Do not try to do battle in your own strength, for the flesh will fail you. Remember the words of old where I told my prophet, “Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord. You shall see mountains removed.” Now put some praise upon your lips and I will destroy the chains of prison that have bound you. Your praise will defeat those that would come against you. Hold no offense and hold no bitterness. Just walk in my power and love and you shall see victory saith the Lord.
I am hearing the Lord say to his children, Don’t quit, I need you. You are integral to the plan that I have laid out. Oh, my child if you could only see what I see in you, but I have kept the veil to seeing what I see hidden so that you would not become engulfed with pride. For there are many that I would have used, but they took the glory for themselves. They were like Lucifer and said, I will, I did, I am. There is nothing worse than pride, for it will bring a fall. But I have seen your heart, and it is pure. It is soft and pliable and ready to hear when I speak. Yes, I know there have been many days of discouragement where you wondered if you would make it through, but those days were the days of fire, refining you and making you into the person you are today. So, know that you are loved and needed, and that as you hear my voice and obey that you will see things that you have never dreamed of. Yes, for a season you are weary, but as you wait upon me, you will renew your strength. You will mount up as an eagle while others will grovel like chickens in a barnyard. Take your eyes off the circumstances for they will deceive you every time. Put your eyes upon me, my child, and you will be strengthened in this hour. Yes, there will be many more trials, and yes, the fire will be hotter, but as it was with the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace, I will be with you also. You will come out without any smell of smoke and not a hair lost. So, rest, knowing that I am here and that you shall surely see the victory if you do not quit saith the Lord.
Do not be surprised as things change rapidly. For what you thought was secure will not be secure any longer. I am bringing such a shaking that even the roots of many things shall be pulled out. For I am a Holy God, and I desire holiness within my children. Many have been riding the fence with one foot on the world’s side and the other on the kingdom of God’s side. You must make a choice my children to not dangle with the world. Yes, you go into the world to bring them out of darkness, but you do not stay in the world. You must shake those things loose that are displeasing to me and allow me to bring you into total submission of my will. For the days ahead will be so filled with darkness that you must not allow any of that darkness to be in you. Your enemy will certainly use any tactic against you, and has been coming before my throne already, desiring to sift you as he desired to sift Peter. Oh, my child, let go of those things of hidden darkness and turn to me with your whole heart. As I said, the shaking will be more intense than ever. Those that submit to this shaking will come forth in such a way that they will reflect my light and glory. Those that do not will be severely tested, and some may lose their life because they could not let go of the things of the world. For in this hour, I am bringing about a great separation. You cannot say that it is the enemy doing this, for it is your God that is doing the shaking. Spend time in the secret place and know that in that place lies the answer to every question that you have. Let go of all bitterness and anger my child, for it does not reflect the light. It reflects darkness. Be the one that lives a lifestyle of repentance for those truly are my children. Let things go and do not harbor any resentment or unforgiveness. I long for you to be free of these things my child, but you must be willing to go through the fiery trials that will bring your freedom to pass. Now, do not think that the shaking is because of any hatred toward you, for I love you with an everlasting love that will never fail. Be prepared and know that I will be with you as you go through this shaking saith the Lord.
As I called to Moses from a burning bush and told him that it was holy ground, I am calling those that are willing to step into the fire and be transformed by the fire of God. For this is the hour that I am calling those that will make a stand for me and my word and will listen and obey to the very jot and tittle of what I am asking them to do. For once you have entered into this place, which is a holy place, your life will never be the same. But with the call comes the fire. For all those that come must remove their shoes and come before my fiery throne and be purified. It is not a place for those that are only willing to go halfway. It is a place of utmost and total surrender. It is a place where I will meet those that come face to face, and will whisper my thoughts and secrets into their spirit. It is a place of refining as none other. It is a place that will redeem you from any earthly ties that are binding you to the world. It is a place that will bring you forth as a changed child of God. Just as Moses was changed, so you too will be changed. It is not for the fainthearted, for you have not walked this way before. Yet, the call on your life now was planned before you were even in the womb. It was conceived by my spirit and has your destiny tied to it. So, my child, I bid you come. Will you let go of all that holds you back from this fiery furnace? Will you be willing to go through the purification that it takes to bring you to a place like it was for Moses? I am here, and I await your answer. I am calling to you and await your answer.
As we move forward in this year I am hearing again, separation and preparation. It is an absolute must that we let go of relationships that do not please God. We must withdraw from strongholds that have us bound so we cannot hear from God. There will be much coming before this year is out, so be prepared. Make sure you wear your armor, especially the helmet of salvation that keeps your thoughts on the Lord and his word as the darts from Satan come against you. You must not let your guard down. These warnings have been coming for many years, and God has been merciful, but the time of judgment is here my friends. Don't expect mercy when you have not been obedient even in the little things and refuse to change! Please consider this word and examine your hearts today. Don't be one of the suddenlies because you were disobedient.
Do not be surprised when God separates you from people you have known a long time. It is necessary for the season coming. Two can only walk together if they agree. There will be many suddenlies along this line, so be prepared for this change. Do not take the separation personally because God is allowing it. It is not something that you have done. It is something that He is doing. Remember, He is a jealous God, and desires time with you and you alone. He does not want to play second fiddle to anyone. He wants to be first in your life. Often friends become the crutches we lean on instead of God. Now let it go, and know God knows what is best for you in the season to come.
Early this morning the Lord spoke one word to me, and it was “explosion.” It came while I was studying the word. I do not listen to the news, or am influenced by many things, but I know it was the Lord speaking.
Later, I heard the word death and destruction. I saw multiple places in our country with smoke spiraling over them. I knew it was the “explosion” that God said earlier, but now it was in more than one place
We, along with others in the prophetic voice, have been feeling intense darkness and heaviness, which is an indicator of things coming that are from the “dark side.” As I researched the word the Lord gave me, I found that other prophetic voices have heard the word explosion also. I do not take this lightly. I believe that it is a sound and pure word from the Lord.
Many prophets (true prophets) have seen war on the horizon, including myself. There are so many illegals crossing our borders right now from countries that hate America, so it is not a surprise that war is coming. Those that hate us are already in our country. This is not the time for fear. This is the time for the remnant to rise up and be light in the darkness that is coming. If there is death and destruction coming to our land, then we need to witness more than ever the love of God to those bound in sin and darkness.
As always, take this word to the Lord and pray about it. Make sure you are prepared for very hard days ahead and stay close to the Lord. Spend time in the word of God and be ready for whatever is on the horizon.
Listen, listen, listen my children for I have much to say. It is in those quiet moments that you come aside and listen that you will hear my voice. For I would say to you that there will be many uprootings this year. There will be much tearing down and there will be much resolve from my remnant to stand strong. For only those that are willing to go through the tearing down and the uprooting will be able to go forward in my power. I am uprooting things that will cause you to stumble if you do not let them go. I am tearing down strongholds that have oppressed you and caused you to lack. For in this year there will be such a shift that many will be left without hope because they did not take the time to listen. For I am about to bring many suddenlies upon this age. There will be many sudden deaths of those that have not been obedient and have not repented of their sins. The sin may not seem large to you, but they are large to me, saith the Lord. For there is no time for debate when it comes to sin. I cannot have my body be unholy. For I am coming for a bride without spot or blemish. Many are in the valley of decision, and must make the right decision now before it is too late. Many are in bondage to things of the flesh, and those things must go or you will be taken out saith the Lord.
For those that listen and obey, I will open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that you would never have dreamed of. I am opening new doors that will bring in blessings beyond what you could have ever imagined. I will bless those that have listened because they have forsaken so much for my kingdom. I reward obedience saith the Lord. For in this hour you shall see many things happen. There will be a turning away from me like you have never seen. Many will blame me for what will soon happen, but it is sin that has brought what is coming. There will be much chaos this year, greater than ever before. Many will lose loved ones that have not surrendered their all to me. This is not a time of game playing. For I have extended my hand of mercy over and over. Many have received it but have continued in their own soulish ways. This is not the hour that things will remain the same. For darkness is coming in such a way that only those that are listening to my voice will be able to go through this time. For yes, kingdoms shall rise against kingdoms, and many lives will be lost. There will be war and there will be bloodshed. But for those that have determined to walk in my ways they shall not only be seen through this time as heroes of the faith, they shall lead many to my light. This season is not for the weak of heart. This season is for those that know their strength comes from me and me alone. For I will be there with them through what is coming. Remember, there will be many suddenlies. Not just sudden deaths, but there will be sudden moves to place you strategically where I need you to be. Be obedient to the call my children and you will be safe. But if you hold on to what you think is best then you will not be safe. You must not let things be your motivation in all that you do. Your motivation should be to please me and me alone. For I alone know what is best for you. There shall arise one that will bring false hope, but this person is not of me. This person is a deceiver. Do not listen to those that say all is well, for all is not well. For a nation that has not repented will not be able to stand. Do not look to man to bring any change, for only I AM the one that can bring life out of death. Now unloose yourself from all entanglements that would trap you and cause you not to walk in my way, and be led by my Holy Spirit and you shall do great exploits for my kingdom saith the Lord.
Rapid change is coming. Be prepared for a fresh new wind saith the Lord. For I am uprooting many things, and you shall see a change like never before. I am in the change for things have to happen for my word to come to pass. I would say that in this hour you must be willing to be flexible for when the wind of change hits it shall bend and all that are not flexible will be broken. You will withstand the wind of change as you bend with the wind. For many that I have called unto me have not heeded the warning and have simply put any thoughts of change aside. They will experience much hardship in the days to come for they have not listened. I would say that for those that have prepared you shall feel a fresh wind in your life that will carry you through the days ahead. For I am restoring what the cankerworm has stolen from you. Oh, my child, you will be full of joy when you see this happen, for you have been waiting for this day. You shall surely see it because you have spent time with me and have availed yourself of the things necessary that had to be done to bring about this change. For there will be a great darkness that would bring much fear to many, but as you stay in the presence of my Spirit, you will see the light. The light will be reflected upon you, and you will carry that light into many dark places without any fear, knowing that I am with you. For I have called you to be my luminaires in this hour and you shall certainly bring light into places that no one else has been able to bring light. You have stood through the test, and this is your hour. So, be ready to go forth, with my Spirit leading you into these places and know that you will be protected. Many are in darkness that need the light that I have put in you. It will be a time of great refreshing for you as you see lives changed my child. You have been waiting for this hour and it is here saith the Lord.
For I would say unto you that this December will be a month of great shakings. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken to the core. I am shaking things out of your life this month with great intensity for my bride must be without spot or blemish. There cannot be any jealousy or schism in my body, for it is a body that must be united in me. Do not look at others and ask me to shake them, because the shaking will start with you. Oh yes, there are those that would appear to need shaking, but I am dealing with them, and it is not your place to do this. Yes, sin must be dealt with, but I am examining the heart in this season. All bitterness, wrath, and doubt must be gone in order for you to hear my voice. Do not concentrate on things in the political realm for I am fully aware of what is going on. Do not concentrate on things that are negative for they shall surely be dealt with. I am not a God that does not see. I am the God that sees all and knows the intents of the heart. For in this hour, you must draw your strength from me alone, for in the shakings it would appear that weakness would be the end result, but that is what I want for you so that your strength is not in yourself, but in me. For, I alone know what is best for you. Do not hesitate to come into my presence and enquire of me as to what needs to go. For I am cleaning house, saith the Lord. I am removing the old and I am establishing new things that will bring purity into your lives. I would ask that you yield to this shaking and let me have my way. For it is better to fall on the rock than be crushed by it. There are those that are going through the intense crushing, and I am in that crushing. I am refining my bride. When she comes to me, she will be pure, holy, and without blemish for that is the only way that I can meet her and take her unto myself. Now, do not fear what is going to take place because it will happen in the spiritual realm and in the natural realm. Do not listen to those that would say that all is well, for they are depending upon the arm of the flesh and are not seeking my face. Your only safety is in my presence. No man can do for you that which I can do. Now rise up from the reformation that I am doing and go forth stronger than ever in my strength. Remember my child that my strength is made perfect in your weakness. Do not look at weakness as a bad thing, for if you were strong in your own strength then you would not lean yourself totally upon me. There shall be some idols that many have worshipped that will be shaken and will fall in this hour, for I will not give my glory to any man. Again, do not look to man to do the necessary work that must take place. You shall see many things change this month as you seek me saith the Lord.
You will see very soon my child that there will be much more darkness than there has ever been. At the same time, the counterfeit “angel of light” will bring signs, wonders, and miracles that will try to deceive the very elect. Do not believe all that you see for not all miracles, signs, and wonders are from me. There will be a display in the heavenlies soon that will cause many to fear, but hold your peace and do not fear, for have I not said that this would happen? Yes, this is the hour that will usher in these things, but you are not a child of darkness and will know the real from the counterfeit. As you spend time with me in the secret place you will draw much wisdom from me saith the Lord. For only this time of quietness alone with me will bring you the answers and the peace in the days ahead. Remember, I said these things would happen. There is much going to happen but know this my child that I am not caught unaware of these times. I am allowing certain things to come to orchestrate the events that will have to take place before my return. Study my word and see what those things will be and know that it will not catch you by surprise either. For nation will rise against nation, and there will be much chaos in the street as the gross darkness falls on the entire earth. But know that this is your hour to rise and shine. For your light will dispel darkness. Make sure that your armor is on so that you are not deceived, for there will be voices from the pulpit that are as of Baalak of old, wanting a word from me to curse and bring down my people, but I would say that nothing can do this outside of my will. I will see you seated with me in heavenly places, and from that position will lead you and guide you. Yes, there will be voices from the pulpit that are full of deception saying “Peace and safety” but then sudden destruction shall come. Take time to remove anything from your heart that would hinder you from hearing from me. Forgive quickly. Love those that have used you and bless those that have cursed you. Do not seek vengeance, for I alone will bring vengeance. Your place is to love the unlovely and be the light while all around you is darkness. Again, take time to be with me, for as Moses spent time on the mountain and the glory was upon his face, it shall also be upon you as you seek me and spend time with me. Let go of all distractions that would keep you from hearing what I would say to you in this hour. For the events I have mentioned will happen very shortly, so, do not be caught off guard. I love you my child, and I seek only the best for you. It will come as you seek me with your whole heart. Now, fear not, and do not rely upon the arm of man. Rely upon me as your entire source of life. For I am your life saith the Lord.
Helen Sanders
The hour is unfolding that things will begin to change swiftly. There will be war, and it is at the door. For, I will bring down those that have rebelled against me and will cause their nations to tremble at my presence. I will surely cause the seas to roar and the skies to be ablaze. There will be much wind, fire, and destruction because the ears have been dull of hearing. I will bring change rapidly and swiftly. I would say unto you that are rebellious, repent before it is too late, but I know your hearts and I know that many will not listen to this warning. For you have heard and rejected it over and over. The hour is at hand saith the Lord that things will change. For there shall be many suddenlies around you. Sudden deaths, sudden plagues, sudden disasters, and sudden miracles. Yes, even in this hour of judgment the remnant shall rise with the anointing of God on their lips and proclaim the word of the Lord. They shall be equipped for this hour like they have never been equipped before. There shall be instant healings, and instant miracles beyond what you have ever seen. For there is a war going on in the heavenlies and that war is between dark and light. That war will come upon this earth in such a way that many will know that I am in the war. They will tremble with fear knowing that Almighty God has visited their land. I am bringing this to pass to bring repentance and it will not be stopped. For those that stand in righteousness shall be shielded and protected, but for those that have made the choice to follow after the darkness, their lives will resound with cries and cursings. They will not change because their hearts are hardened. Even though I send you, the remnant, into this rebellious nation, be aware that only a few will change. Those that change will grow fast in my ways and will rise up with you to take back the land that the enemy has so violently stolen while my church slept. So, watch and pray and see that things are going to change very rapidly. For when you look at the horizon and see fire and smoke, you will know my word has surely come to pass. Do not be afraid my children, for even as in the days of old the warriors followed the praisers and the battle was won by me through their praise and not won by the warriors. Yes, after they saw the battle won, they took the spoils. Yes, there will be a transference of precious things into the hands of my children, for many hearts shall fail with what is about to come. So, prepare yourself, come into my presence and stay there fully armed in my armor and wait and watch for your orders saith the Lord.
As I was praying earlier this morning with my eyes shut, I saw a vision. I saw the skyline over a city with very tall buildings. The sky was on fire. The buildings were about to be consumed by this fire. It was not Holy Ghost fire, but a fire in the natural. I was not told what city it was, but it was a large metropolitan city. The entire city was ablaze.
I was not given a time frame, but I perceive it is close. We need to be in prayer about this. I do not believe it can be stopped, but we can pray for protection for those that might be harmed.
Yes, there may be Holy Ghost Fire also, but I perceive it will only happen after this natural fire.
This word was given many years ago, but it is as fresh today as it was then. Many need this word. Let it saturate your being.
Prophetic Word given 12-3-09
as given to Helen Sanders
Why early in the morning? I want you to come to me when your mind is not cluttered with the days' activities. I want you to come when you are at your best, fully aware of my presence. I long to spend this time with you, and commune with you. Oh, I am the lover of your soul. I am the restorer to those that would come to me, and seek my face early. I long to walk hand in hand with you through my garden, and let you explore with me the tender path of beauty that lies waiting for us. I want you to smell the fresh aroma of my flowers, and let the aroma stay on you throughout the day, bringing others to the place of knowing that I am God. I want to see the nectar fall on your hair, and let it glisten with the presence of my spirit. I want you to know me, and it only happens when you are refreshed early in the day. I would say to you, awake my beloved and come away with me. Let me enfold my loving arms around you and enjoy my presence. I am not standing idly by and trying to catch you off guard in a moment of repose. I am here awaiting your touch. Yes, your touch brings great joy to me. Reach your hand out this morning and come with me. I have much to show you. You will surely be satisfied as you drink of my living water, and taste the fruit of my words. They shall bring life to you and health to you. I love you my child. Take my hand and come with me. I will guide you down the path that only my close, intimate friends walk with me. I have so much to share with you, and can only do it when you are refreshed.
Come, see the beauty of my holiness, and let it become a part of your daily walk with me. Let my love saturate you so deeply that the thoughts and cares of the world will dissipate, and only my love will be your focus. I long for you to come into this holy place with me. Take my hand, and we shall walk together. You will never walk alone through the trials of life as long as you walk with me. There shall surely be snares and traps set for you, but I will reveal them to you as we minister together here in my garden. I love you, my child. Let me refresh you this morning and lead you into places you did not know existed. I will be with you saith your Lord and lover of your soul. Only come away with me in the early hours so we can spend time together before the cares of this world would try to slip in. I am waiting saith the Lord.
Like a puzzle that is being framed together, do not think it strange that you were chosen for such a time as this. You are part of the plan in this season and the plan will unfold as the pieces come together. You may think of yourself as a small piece, but without you, the puzzle would be incomplete. Do not look at this season as a time to run and hide your piece. For you must be willing to be placed into your strategic position so all things come together. You have seen how the world is my child. You have seen it grow darker and darker but the problem with this is if you only look at the darkness you will not be light. You are being raised to your strategic position for this time, and it is important you keep your ears tuned in to my Spirit. For when you get placed into the position that I have set aside for you, you will see the other pieces come together. You are being used to draw others into this puzzle. Oh, my child, if you could see the finished puzzle, you would surely know that you were a strategic piece. So, yield to my touch and placement. You will not fit into any place that would be contrary to my plan. You have often wondered why you didn’t fit in, and the reason is you didn’t belong in that space. You were chosen for your own particular place, and nothing else will fit for you. As you yield to this placement, those that belong with you will come together. They are awaiting my bidding just as you are, and it will come together in such a way that you know it was your God that put this together. As you yield, you will see things in a way that you haven’t seen before. Do not discount where you are being placed and think of it as a lowly position, because every piece in this puzzle is necessary to bring the whole puzzle together. Now, await my touch and my word, and you shall see things come together for this season, for in the days ahead it will take a united front to ward off what is about to come. There must be a fitting together so the body can work together. Do not get ahead of my move, my child, for it would not only harm you but others as well. Wait, yield, and be ready for what is coming. Remember every piece of armor is required to protect the whole body and withstand the wiles of the enemy. Now, be ready, and you shall see that my plan and placement is right for you saith the Lord.
Prophetic Word
As given to Helen Sanders
I have drawn a line in the sand this day saith the Lord. For this day you must make a choice to go all the way with me and forsake all others or go the way of the world and the lukewarm church and go your own way. This season is the season that I will bring much change and only those that walk close to me and listen will hear what I have to say. I will put a word in the mouths of false prophets to make things look like they will be better in the days ahead, but this is not the way it will be. For gross darkness is coming upon the face of the earth. There will never be a time again where one would say all is peaceful. There will never be a time again when all is well in the world. Yes, the light of God will be upon those that have made the choice to go all the way with me, for there is a remnant that listens and obeys. My light shall shine through them. There will be days that bring many suddenlies. Sudden disasters, sudden increase of anointing, sudden deaths, and sudden healings. As the world sways far to the dark side, the ones that walk in my light will bring victory to many and pull them out of the darkness. For this is not the time to play games. Many will be released from their assignments because they chose to not go all the way and pay the price of the call. I will be calling many home that would fail in this hour saith the Lord. There are those that have endured great temptation, sorrow, and stretching, and have come through the fire of testing victorious. I have seen your tears and heard your prayers. Yes, there will be more difficult times, but I will sustain you as I did my children that have trusted me in the past. I will speak and when you hear me say, this is the way, walk in it, you will know that I am leading you. There will be a safety hedge, a safety net around those that listen and obey. Do not think that there will not be persecution of those that make a stand. For those in your own household will come against you. Those in your body of believers will turn against you. Many will say why have you not compromised? Why have you not given a little slack, but you will say, with God, I must be a watchman and stand for truth, and stand for integrity in his word. There cannot be any compromise. It is a time where many that you thought were for you will fall away. Be prepared for the lonely walk my child but know that I am with you. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth of those that lost their lives and chose the way of the world. But for those that are my true remnant there will be a time of doing great exploits. You may feel weak in this hour but know that my strength is made perfect in your weakness. Many times, I have allowed this weakness in your life so that you would totally depend upon my strength. So, listen more than ever and know that this is a time of great falling away of those that will not pay the price. But I know your heart and am confident that you will choose the right path, saith the Lord. I will be with you and just know that all you have to do is whisper my name and I am here. Now, wipe away the tears, and stand strong for in the very near future you shall see these things take place. Trust me my child and all will be well saith the Lord.
Behold, behold I shall do a new thing saith the Lord. Where there has been dryness, you shall see living water come forth saith the Lord. Oh, I would say this is a day of turnaround for this is the day that you shall see great exploits happen in your life. Oh, oh, saith the Lord, this is the day, this is the day, I proclaim it saith the Lord over you this day and in this hour, you shall do things you’ve never done before saith the Lord. You shall go forth valiantly. You shall go forth in my name and you shall see things happen that you have never seen before. For I am raising up my army. I am raising up my remnant. I am raising up those that would bid my call and go forth saith the Lord. For this is a day of new beginnings. So, let it arise in your spirit and go forth by my spirit, saith the Lord.
Do you feel my breath child? I am here and breathing upon you. I am the breath of life that will sustain you in this hour. For as I breathed on Adam of old and the breath of life came into him, I am breathing upon you also. For as I walked with Adam in the cool of the day and the wind was on his face, it was me. I brought the cool refreshment of my spirit upon his face. Oh, how I loved those times with Adam until we were separated by rebellion. Oh, my child, I want that relationship with you. As you come into the secret place and put aside all noise and all fear, and spend time with me, you shall feel my breath upon you. It will cause you to not only be refreshed in spirit, but it will also renew you in your body. I see that your body is weary and that you need my breath upon it. So quiet yourself, and just sit with me. As a lover would sit with the one he loves, I desire that you sit with me. Let me touch you with my breath and let you know that I am here and will never leave you. For my breath is not only upon you, but also in you, bringing the very life of your existence to its fulness. There have been many distractions that would pull you away from me, but in the quiet place is where you will find your peace. So, let me breathe upon you and bring my life into you so that you will be stronger than ever. Then, when you leave this place of restoration you shall go forth stronger than ever before. Just come aside now and feel my breath for I am waiting saith the Lord.
Just as in the days of Noah, the warnings have gone out. Many have seen the ark being built, which is my body, but have refused to be a part of it. Many have chosen the ways of the world and they shall reap the consequences of their choices. For I would say that the hour is at hand when the door of my ark shall be shut and there will not be any more chances for those that have refused to listen. Oh, my children there shall be such a time as no one has ever seen. For the hearts of men have turned cold towards the things of God. There will be a great shift coming shortly where the divide between those that are for me and those that are against me will become plainer and plainer. Gross darkness will cover the earth for this is the day and hour of the valley of decision. There will be many that flood to my throne and it will be a time of great cleansing, then the door will be shut. Prepare yourselves my children for there is about to be great persecution for those that come to me. The darkness will become greater than it has ever been. Many will be totally sold out to control by demonic spirits and will have no regrets for their choices. This is not the hour to play games. This is the hour to come into my presence and receive the strength that is provided by my grace to endure these times. For the warning has gone out over and over and many will perish because they did not hear. This is not the hour for you to fear. For have I not said that these things would come? This is the hour where your preparation will maintain you through the darkness. This is the hour where you will hear my voice and follow it to a place of safety. There are many traps being set for you, my child. Watch and pray for the time is at hand saith the Lord.
Just as a leaf is listless without the wind blowing against it and causing it to move, so is the one that does not let my breath come upon them, saith the Lord. For the breath of my Spirit invigorates the whole person. You have stepped into a place where you must take heed and withdraw from those things that are pulling you away from time with me. Yes, there are necessary things to do in life, but they will never compare to spending time with me and letting my Spirit breathe upon you. Did I not say that you would experience my love by praying in the Spirit? Did I not say that it builds you up? Oh, my child if you could only understand how important it is to have the wind of my Spirit upon you continuously, for it brings you refreshment and brings you guidance. Now take the time to withdraw from your busyness and just sit at my feet where you will feel my breath. I want to be so close to you that you feel my breath on your cheek. Oh, my child, if you only knew how much I love you and long for you to spend that time with me. Do not go would be my words to you. Stay with me. Come apart and let me breathe on you once again.
For what is coming of a different wind would surely cause many to be blown and tossed like a ship without a rudder. If one had only understood the course that they were to take by spending time with me, they would not have put themselves into that position. Yes, there are winds of adversity coming, but one breath from me will blow it away from you. So, come, let me breathe on you and know that my wind is not contrary. It is a wind of refreshing. Come now saith the Lord and let me breathe on you.
Why are you skeptical my child, wondering if I will use you for my glory? Would you think it would be better to use a rock or a mule that cannot speak? Would you rather I used someone with an eloquent voice and rich apparel? I would have you know that none of these things are counted worthy when I call someone. It is not about the outward appearance, my child. It is your inner willingness to be used by me. It is your love of me that grows within and reflects without. Now do not think for a minute that your natural gifts are not needed, but they are not what I will use. It is my words in your mouth and my love in your heart that will destroy yokes and remove burdens.
For I look at the inner man while others would look at the outward appearance, the education, the natural abilities, but that is not what I look at. I know your heart, and I know what you think before you speak. I can trust a yielded vessel far more than one that is puffed up in pride walking in their own natural abilities.
For my child, you have taken the time to sit at my feet and learn who I AM. I have given you more ability through those moments than you can ever know. So, do not question whether you can be used by me. I do not look for those with natural ability. I look for those that are willing to hear and obey. Now, rise up and go forth in my power and my strength and you shall see mighty things happen. Do not lean unto your own understanding and mental attributes for I will not work through that part of you. I will work through your spirit that has tuned in to hear my voice which is that still small voice that speaks to you and you say to me “Yes, Lord, I am willing.”
Now listen for my instructions and be ready to be used for the hours ahead will bring darkness to many lives. You will be filled with my light, and you will bring many out of darkness as you let me shine through you. Do not hesitate to speak when I tell you to. Do not hesitate to go where I tell you to go, for I have chosen you for such a time as this saith the Lord.
For I would say that I do not come to you with a cattle prod that would force you to come into my presence. I will not demand of you if you choose to not sit at my feet and stay in your world of busyness. Yet, I would bid you come through the soft nudging that lets you know that it is I. I would ask that you take time to listen for I have much to say. You shall see things come to pass shortly that will require that my glory be upon you. The glory will cause those that would come against you to fall back in reverential fear. For the hour is here that things will be changing swiftly. There shall be much sorrow in your land, and many will do as Adam and Eve did and blame everyone but themselves. For the greed of a nation that is determined to go against my word and my principles will surely come down saith the Lord. For it is in the works even as I speak. You shall see those that thought they were secure in their “things” find that this crash will leave them empty and without hope because they have pursued the things of the world rather than pursuing me. You shall see pulpits empty, for those that have not put forth my Word will soon be dealt with. The days of greed are over. You cannot serve God and mammon. So, my beloved, know that this will come to pass soon, and you must take time to be in the arms of the one that loves you more than anyone. Take time to listen, and obey, even in the smallest things. For obedience will save lives in the season that is here. There are many things I would say to you, but it is a one-on-one conversation that can only come when you take the time to sit and listen. Let the distractions be put away and know this is an hour of great deception far worse than it has ever been. Have I not said that if it were possible even the elect would be deceived? So come, take time with me, and hear what I have to say. Prepare yourself for what is to come. There shall be much weeping, and there shall be much finger pointing, but for those that take time with me, they shall go through the very streets of sorrow without being seen, hidden in my glory, so come, listen, and learn of me saith the Lord.
Just as the tender sprouts long for the spring rain and are nourished when it comes, so you, too, have been longing for the refreshing that only I can bring. The season has been very dry for you my child, but I have allowed it to draw you closer to me, for in my presence is the spring rain, the summer growth, and the fall harvest. Every season is important for you, which has brought you to where you are today.
For there is a moment in time when I would say come and sit at my feet. As you do that you will feel the fresh spring rain fall upon your dry and weary soul. It is the place where the fallow ground is broken up and you receive the water of life. It is the place where we meet face to face, and you feel my presence. My child, you must surely know that the season of dryness, or winter has passed for you and things will start to break forth in many ways for you. You will see the old gone and the fresh new start of something better than was.
For you have endured when others did not do so. You have pressed through the hard ground when others did not do so. You have been found faithful, and I reward faithfulness. So, let the spring rain fall upon you and enjoy it. You will see that it has been worth the trials that you have gone through to bring you to this place. You will see things grow through the spring and summer, and there is a harvest for you that you have never dreamed of. For, I, the Lord am bringing the spring rain. Believe it, receive it, and conceive it saith the Lord.
THE TIME OF EASE IS OVER. For many have been swept up in the time of ease and have not listened to my voice. Oh yes, they say that they are mine, but they have been distracted by so many things. I have called unto them to come to me and sit at my feet and listen, but many have been dull of hearing and have been living the life of ease which is not the way it should be. For I would say that there are changes coming that will bring many in that place of ease to their knees. They will say, Lord, Lord, and I will say I never knew you. For this is the hour to have your lamps full of my oil and the time to be prepared to meet your bridegroom. For in an hour that you do not expect it, I shall come, and it will be too late for many. For have I not said that the times would be as in the Days of Noah? Have I not said that there would be chaos and deception? Have I not warned you and warned you that you must be prepared and ready? Yet many have not listened. My Spirit has wooed and drawn many, but they have refused to surrender their lives. Oh my, it shall be a time of weeping. It shall be a time of wrath like you have never seen. For those that have not listened it shall surely come upon them as in the days of Noah. The door will be shut, and it will be too late. But for those that have listened and stood vigilantly in the armor of God, they shall see the power of God rest upon them, and they shall rise in this hour and do great exploits. They shall be hated and mocked, and many shall lose their lives for my sake. Yet, because they have remained faithful and stood while others lived the life of ease, they shall be rewarded for their faithfulness. They shall see my hand upon them guiding them in what is ahead, and they shall see and do great things for my kingdom. For as the Son awaits His bride, the bride that stands awaits the Son. So, listen, watch, and pray, for things are going to change rapidly.
For, have I not said in my word that I would lead you? Have I not said that I would lead you into paths of righteousness? Have I not said that I would lead you beside the still waters my child? Oh, yes, my child, I desire to lead you. I have desired that you follow me and see what I would show you. For I have much to show you of what I have prepared for you. The path that I would take you on will have many curves. There will be things that would cause you to fear but know that I am beside you. If I were to tell you all about the path, I am sure that you would cringe and say “Why, Lord? Why must I go down this path? Surely, there is an easier way, Lord.” But, my child, the easy way is not the way for you. You have been chosen to rise above the things that would bring fear to you and others, and the only way to do this is to go down the path I have chosen. I would say this, that as you go down this path, you will become stronger than you were before you went down it. I would say that the refiner’s fires will be hot on this path, but if you follow my lead, then you will come through as gold, silver, and precious stones that only come forth through the fiery trials. The only way is to follow me. The only way to grow is to follow me. You will not remain the same person as you go down this path that I lead you on. I can assure you that the changes that will take place will bring you to a place of peace, rest, and safety, saith the Lord. It is your choice, my child, to take the lead or follow me. I await your answer.
May your eyes of understanding be enlightened that you may discern the times. We are living in a
season of much chaos and destruction. We will see things in the natural that have never been seen before. There will be suddenlies that will occur that
would take the wind out of your sails if you hadn't been in the secret place and been prepared for what is to soon happen. There is a shift coming where the darkness will cover the earth, but the Lord would say, that this is the hour to rise and shine for him. There will be many things that will bring fear, but light overcomes darkness, so, rise and shine for him. The remnant are those that have surrendered every area of their lives to the will of God and will see and hear from God as if He is standing in the room with them. They will go forth and do exploits like they have never done before. They will rise up out of complacency around them and cut it off from their surroundings. There will be no more fence riding, for God would say that this is the hour, yes this is
the hour that will determine the victory or the defeat in your lives. Those that have sold out will win the battles, but those that have been lukewarm will find that they cannot win any battle because they have not chosen the way of God.
So, rise up, and do what God has told you. He has given you your marching orders and will not change His mind. Yes, the battles will be fierce, but you are armed with offensive weapons to take out the enemy before you. Remember that the battle is the Lord's and He is using you to win His battles. So arm yourself with His strength, His Peace,
His love and you shall see things flee that are coming against you.
Do not look back to what has been for that day is gone. You must focus on this hour and not the what was, for in looking back, all you will find is what is gone and not what is here. Let it go. Shake it loose. Let it fall off you like the shedding of an old wineskin. For in this season God is doing a new thing in your life and it requires a new wineskin. Let it be filled up with the anointing of God and not yesterday's dregs. Go forth now and see that the roadblocks are being removed for you saith the Lord.
This is the hour for the forerunner to rise up and go forth as John the Baptist did. Oh, yes, he was chosen from the womb, but until the timing was right he was in preparation. I would say that many have been prepared for this season. They have awaited their marching orders, and your commander in chief is calling you in this hour to go forth. For the message of the hour is the same message that I gave to John and that is repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. For in this hour there shall be many signs and wonders done by many that are not of me. I would say it is time for those of my children that I have called in this hour to rise and go forth as forerunners. You shall see mighty miracles happen as you lift your hands to heaven and declare my word in this hour. Many will do exploits beyond what they could ever ask or think. You shall see many come against you my child, just as the religious leaders did in the days of John. Many will be persecuted, and many will suffer the same fate that John did, but I know your heart my child and I know that you are willing to be obedient to the call and to pay the ultimate price as John did. You have been in separation and preparation as John was for this hour.
You shall see nations collapse in their monetary systems and the fear will grow and grow throughout the earth. Men have put their trust in the things of the world instead of in me. As you go forward and bring the truth, fear will dissipate in lives that are totally broken before me. There is a greater shaking than ever coming, dividing even households. Only those that have built their lives on the sure foundation will be able to do what I have called them to do.
I would say check your love walk. Do not allow any offenses to enter your life, for in this hour there shall be many that will be offended. There will be many that thought they would go all the way but have become offended. Shake any offense off for the offended ones cannot be used by me. There will be much chaos in the days ahead. This is why I am raising you up to be the forerunner in this hour. Make a stand for truth. Make a stand for my word. Do not hold back. As I speak to you, then in turn speak those words that you hear. Do not speak out of your own flesh. Speak what you hear from me. To be salt, it often brings a sting to the wounds that are many in my children, but the salt also brings healing. So be ready to do my bid and call in this hour saith the Lord, for I will be with you and guide you.
Prophetic Word
As given to Helen Sanders
You would ask me when and why and I would say that time is in my hands. Just as a weaver must allow the threads to come together to make the most beautiful of all tapestries, I am weaving things together in your life. Not one thread shall be amiss my dear child. I am intertwining things so that all will see and know that it was I that put them together. Do not falter in the waiting season, for this is the time for you to draw closer to me. Oh, the needle may be sharp as things are woven together, but the closer you come to me the easier this path will become. So many are asking me why and when and few say your will not mine Lord. For my child, I will not break your will. I only ask that you surrender your will to mine. As I put this together, it is your opportunity to come and learn of me. In my shelter there is peace. In my tower there is safety. In my strength your weakness is made perfect, so surrender to my will and you will see things slowly come together. I am not in a rush because I desire to have time alone with you. I desire to be in your presence, and I desire that you want to be in my presence. You will learn great truths through this time of putting the threads together. For life is a continuous putting together and letting go. Oh, that my children would long to be with me as much as I long to be with them. Come to me now and let me do the work to make your tapestry be the one that I have chosen for you. Yield to the needle of putting the threads together, for it is the only way of completing what I have for you, my child. Do not look at the days, the weeks and hours as being wasted, for I am perfecting that which concerns you. Come to me now saith the Lord and know that I am working things together for your good.
For this is the hour, this is the hour, saith the Lord for I am opening doors that no man can shut and shutting doors that no man can open. For this is not the hour to be riding the fence. You will see that the doors I am shutting are for your own benefit and good saith the Lord. For I have a plan that is different from the one that you have been on. Oh, you have seen part of it, but I am calling you to me to go with my plan one hundred percent. Do not look to man to unveil what I am about to do for man will fail you. Do not look to your intellect to reason out what I am going to do, for Satan will bombard your mind with many thoughts of deception. Come to me my child and let me remove the hindrances so that you can blossom the way I have intended you to. It has been a dark season, and now I am bringing light into your life so that you will grow more than ever, yet you must allow me to prune those things away that will hold you back. Many have enjoyed this dark time for they have withdrawn into themselves instead of coming to me, the light of their soul, and bringing their very being into the light. Oh, that my children would surrender their will to mine. Oh, that my children would listen to my voice and follow me all the way. Many have gone so far, but I am calling you to total commitment. There will be many dark days ahead, but the light I am shining on your path will keep you safe and secure. There are many things that are coming soon to pass that will bring much fear, but I would say, let me take all fear and doubt away as you come into my presence and spend time to me. Just as a tree must shed its leaves and there is a dormant season, this is the time you have been in and are in. To birth the new leaves, the tree must get rid of the old. Old wineskins would burst when the new wine is put in, so you, also, must be willing to shed the old and let me dress you in the new. This is your hour to go forward and do what I have called you to do. There is no time to contemplate when I call you to myself. There is no time to reason it out. Walk in the spirit, and you will hear my voice. I will show you the way. Come unto me now and be made new. Come unto me now and feel the weight of my glory as it comes upon you. This is so necessary for you, my child. I love you and I am calling to you. Come to me now saith the Lord.
At the start of 2023 the Lord gave me the word chaos for this year. He also said there would be great persecution to Christians. There are many things happening simultaneously. Revival is breaking out in small groups, but there have been numerous domestic terrorist attacks from my point of view. Trains have been derailed with toxic chemicals being released. In one state the water has become undrinkable. There have been balloons shot down and other objects in the sky. There is chaos in some cities, and earthquakes are at an all-time increase. These are all signs of what was prophesied in Matthew 24. We can be certain that it will get worse because we are in the last of the last days. Many are expecting to get raptured out of here and have not prepared for these days of darkness that are coming. You would haver to be totally deceived to believe that we are not living out the Book of Revelation with the plagues and other things that are happening. Yet, this is our hour to rise and shine like never before. The fruit is falling from the trees to the ground spiritually, meaning that souls are dying without Christ. People are hungry for answers. You have the light in you and must take the light to them or they will perish without Christ. The proof of being a Christian is found in Genesis 1:28 where God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. This is to be done in the natural, but also in the spirit. If we all did our part, we could truly see a move of God! Why not start today?
What would you have me say, saith the Lord? What would you have me say? For I have spoken to you time and time again to come into my presence and spend time with me, but there have been many times that you have failed to do so. You want to hear a word from me, but it will only come through spending time in my presence. You must remember that My Sheep hear My Voice. If you are not hearing, perhaps you have not taken the time to listen. For this is the hour of great shifting and shaking where you must spend time alone with me. It must be a priority of your daily walk my child. For like a little child that loves its father, you must climb up into Abba’s arms and just sit here and let me touch you and hold you. For there are many things that I would like to say, but you must quiet yourself to hear. You must shut out the noise of those things that are distractions if you are to hear my voice. You must shut out all things that would hinder you from hearing. Yes, there are good things to do my child, but they should never be a priority over spending time with me. Oh, that my children would come to their Father and just sit at my feet. I have much that I want to teach them, but they are distracted with so many things. For the hour we are in is an hour of deception. If you don’t take the time to come and be with me then you may fall into the enemy’s traps that he has set for you. He has every intention of seeing you fail in your walk. He will not stop my child so take time to come, and just sit still until you hear my voice. Be serious about your love for me. I am about to send my son to receive his bride, but she must not be complacent about his coming. She must long for him and long for the Father like never before. Oh, my children, take the time to be quiet. For have I not said, “Be still and know that I am God?” For how can you hear with your mind full of other things. Let this be the day that you choose to set at my feet quietly and wait for me to speak. I love you my child and I have much to share with you. Come now, and let us spend time together.
DECEMBER 29, 2022
As you sit and ponder the what ifs I must tell you my child that this is not faith. Fear is motivating you not to trust me. You must come humbly before my throne of grace and ask of me. I am the God that said I would supply all your needs. You have been trusting often in the arm of the flesh, and the arm of the flesh will let you down. You must cast every care upon me and allow me to carry your burdens. Did I not tell the apostle Paul that my strength is made perfect in his weakness? I would say the same to you, my child. I am perfecting things in you and when you are weak, that is the time that you will see that I alone can carry you through the hard times. I have said that I would shake everything that can be shaken, and the things happening in your life are the shakings. They will intensify, and only those that put their entire hope and trust in me will get through the days ahead. You have reasoned it out with your mind, but you must stop this. You must not try to figure things out. There is no faith in this. You must cast down imaginations and stand strong in faith in my promises. Speak life over yourself. Do not speak the problem. For every time that you speak the problem instead of the promise you become weaker and weaker. Have I not told you that I would be the one to sustain you? Then put your trust in that and stop trying to work things out in your mind. I speak to your spirit. Satan speaks to your mind. I bring faith and Satan brings fear. Often you are paralyzed in fear instead of trusting me with your whole heart. I must correct you today my child so that you come back to the faith that is necessary in the days ahead. You will see that I will not fail you. Oh yes, your faith is being stretched, but it is necessary to bring you into a total dependance upon me. I love you my child and only have the best plan for you. Now take a deep breath and start praising me for loving you enough to correct you saith the Lord.
This morning as I was praying, I had a vision. I saw a gavel in the hand of a judge come down and pronounced a guilty sentence in a courtroom. I then heard the words, “you have been weighed in the balances and have been found wanting.”
Those same words come from the book of Daniel chapter 5:27b where Daniel was brought in to interpret the handwriting on the wall. In this portion of scripture, the king had used God’s sacred vessels to drink wine from and party with. During that partying scene, handwriting appeared on the wall. It was the last warning from God to King Belshazzar. There was no turning back. He was judged, found guilty, and died that night.
I truly believe that God has sent prophet after prophet warning our country and the world that we needed to repent. Instead of doing this, church has been going on as usual. The praise teams still sing, and many pulpits are caught up in politics instead of preaching the word to feed the sheep. They have not been listening. Instead of running to the altar they are running for a pleasant word from a prophet.
Now, there are some pockets of revival and repentance, but the majority of the church is in an apostate state. Those that preach righteousness and judgment are shunned and ridiculed. They have been called “judgmental” and have been told they show lack of love.
So, what do I see with this vision and word? I see the hammer of justice falling first upon those lukewarm churches that are just social clubs, for judgment starts in the house of God. Then, I see that hammer falling on each of us that are lukewarm in our walk with God. He has warned us, but many have not listened and continued in their “private sin.” No more, says the Lord, will it be tolerated. You are either for God or against.
We see a very hard season ahead, separating the remnant from those that are not sold out to God. Many will suffer great hardship for their stand for Christ. There will be martyrs and there will be those that lose everything. The time of prophesying that God is going to prosper you is over. The time to repent is here.
The Lord would say: Oh, that my people would hear my voice and repent. How I long to see their hearts turn toward me and away from the things that are strongholds in their lives. Oh, that they would see with spiritual eyes what is ahead. Oh, that they would have listened and prepared, but they have been weighed in the balance and have been found lacking.
Like an earthly father disciplines his children to bring correction, our heavenly Father is doing the same. Some will yield to the discipline while others will rebel. Those that do not receive correction will see their end as the branch on the vine that did not bear fruit. It is worthless and dead. It will be cut off and cast into the fire.
As for the remnant, this is your hour to rise and shine for Jesus no matter what the cost may be.
For you would say speak to me, and I would say that there have been earthquakes, wind, and fire, yet you have not listened to that still small voice that would speak into your ear. Come aside from all the distractions of the world my child and listen to me in this hour. For your eyes have been on the events that are unfolding, and they have kept you from hearing my still small voice. For I would say to you as I did to Elijah of old, that your fear has brought you into a place where you are not hearing my voice. The circumstances that the enemy has brought before you have caused you to flee from my presence. In my presence you will hear the voice that stills earthquakes. In my presence the winds of life are calmed, and in my presence is the Holy Fire of God that will burn away all of the things that have held you in bondage. Oh, that you would come aside and listen to that still small voice my child for I long to speak to you. You are not alone in this hour saith the Lord, for I am here. I will show you the peace that brings you rest. I will touch your weary body. I will take away the fear, and dry the tears, for I alone can bring this. So many have looked to the circumstances of their lives and have allowed these things to control them, but they are distractions that keep you from being in my presence saith the Lord. Come and rest at my feet my child and know that I am here to bring you comfort, peace and safety. Let go of all the distractions and focus on my still small voice saith the Lord.
A Prophetic Exhortation
Abraham dug many wells. Then the enemy came in and stopped them up. Later, his son, Isaac redug those wells. God is saying that there are those that have gone on before us that did a work for God, and it seems like their "life giving wells" dried up for a time. But this is your season my friends to redig those wells. This is the season to let the water flow and bring life to many that are thirsty for God. This is the season where you will see streams of living water flow. This is the season that many will reap what their forefathers dug, and you shall see it happen very soon.
There are also those that have planted much and have seen little come up, but God is saying that this is your season of harvest. Even though Satan tried to destroy that seed, God preserved it for this season. There is no crop failure with God. There may have been a delay but you will see things flourish like never before as you walk closely with the Lord. He will show you things and do things for you like never before.
Keep your eye on the path He has given you and you shall surely see it come to pass saith the Lord.
For I would say unto you today that there is “more” coming. More than enough. More than expected, more than your cup can hold. More than your eyes have ever desired. More than enough in every area of your life. This more than enough will be required in the season that you are in for just as I am bringing more than enough to you in the matters of your life, there will be more plagues, more sorrow, more suddenlies, more things that bring you to your knees. For this is the hour that is bringing forth what I have longed to see. For in a little while my bride will meet me face to face, but between now and then, your faith will be stretched, but there will be more than enough faith to bring you through the tests and trials. In this season you shall see more violence, more of the things of the world that I have said in my word would come. So, brace yourself my children. Brace yourself, for this more than enough must happen to fulfill my plan. For nation shall rise against nation with rapid declines through the world. There will be many that have been high that will be brought low. There will be more shaking than ever before. Yet at the same time for those of you that have sought me and are walking by faith, you shall see more than enough miracles, more than enough supply and more than enough faith to get you through these hours. Do not look at this season of testing in your life as being from the enemy. No, my child, it is the trying in the fire time, and those that allow me to try them with more than enough heat will come through the fire as pure gold. Do not think that this will not bring refinement. For even as men of old were brought to their knees to sustain them through their trials, so it shall be with you. Yet, as you trust me to be your more than enough, all sufficient, El Shaddai, you will come through this season. You will surely be held up by me and you will see that I am there through it all. You will see that I have been your more than enough God, saith the Lord.
as given to Helen Sanders
Changing of the Guard
There will be a changing of the guard with the death of Queen Elizabeth. The Lord would say that there will be chaos and turmoil because of this. The enemy has been waiting for this moment so that he can further infiltrate the world leaders. We must see this as a time of mourning for Great Britain, but also a time of mourning for what is to soon happen throughout the world for Christians.
There will be many persecutions coming, greater than ever before. We will see the way of life that we have lived changed as never before. There will be mixed emotions as this takes place for there will be much deception. Do not focus on the shift. Focus on what I would say to you in that secret place that you need to come to. You will hear soon "peace and safety" but know that this peace and safety is not from me. It is part of my plan, but it is not my peace. You will see war on the horizon, so be prepared. Do not take what is about to happen lightly for many lives will be lost because they haven't listened to me in the wee hours of the night when I have awakened them. Listen my children as never before. Be prepared, but do not fear. As I spoke to kings of old and warned them of the enemy's plans, so I now warn you also, and tell you that this is coming so you can be on the offense and not the def
Watch, pray, and listen as the events are about to unfold, but know I am with those that put their trust in me.
There has been an anchor in your life. You feel that it has held you back from your destiny, but it wasn't doing that. It was protecting you from the storms that would have caused your life's ship to fail and sink. Now this anchor is being pulled into your ship. The anchor is the word of God that you have been embracing, and surely you shall see that what is happening has been for your growth. Now the word will lift you to the place that I intended for you saith the Lord. It will not weigh you down, but it shall be the foundation that I have laid for you to be able to go forth in this season. For I am once again putting the wind in your sails so you can traverse with me into uncharted water. I am leading you and I am bringing you to a new place that you have not yet been to. You have been preparing for this while the anchor held you back, but it is now time to go forth and do what I have called you to do. You see, my child, everything is in my timing, and now you are going forth because it is the right time. Do not feel fear, but do not pride yourself that you have arrived. Walk humbly before me and you shall do great exploits. For this is your hour to go forth knowing that I am with you. I will guide you as you go, and you shall see that it has all been worth the wait saith the Lord. Go forth now with my blessings for you will surely not regret what you have learned in the season you have been in, saith the Lord.
There is a stirring, there is a stirring saith the Lord. For I am stirring things up like they have never been stirred before. Oh, you would say, why is this happening Lord? And where are you Lord? But I would have you know that I am in the stirring. I am stirring nation against nation, father against son, mother against daughter. I am in this stirring, for it must happen saith the Lord. For you shall see kingdoms fall and you shall see kingdoms rise up in their own power and strength be defeated, for it has to happen. The stirring will bring about many changes in the lives of those living today saith the Lord, for I am not only stirring up those that walk in darkness and will receive their just reward, but I am also stirring up the hearts of my children to stand and go forth and be what they have been called to be. You no longer have to reach out for the scepter saith the Lord, for I will hear your cry and go forth with you into battle, and you shall see a shift, a shift in the pathway that has been blocked. For I am going before you to remove those hindrances that have caused you not to go forward. You have been tested in the fire and have been proven faithful, and you shall see a shift, yes, a shift in all that you put your hand to. You shall be as Moses when he put his foot in the water and the sea wasdivided so he could go forth. When there has been no way for you, you shall see the Waymaker make a clear path for you to advance. For I know what you will do as you advance. You will stand strong and see the enemies of your soul defeated. The hours that you have spent in prayer and reverence with me have not been wasted my child, for in those hours I heard your cry and was making a plan that would not fail for you. You shall see much violence in the days ahead but listen not to the violence. For I am in the stirring up of what is happening. It must happen to separate the sheep from the goats. For soon, my child you shall see my mighty hand of deliverance and you shall see the enemy cut off and you shall see that I am a God of justice and a God of mercy. For yea, saith the Lord, it is no surprise that things are happening the way they are, because it is I saith the Lord that am stirring people up. The darkness shall grow greater and greater, but your light shall shine in this hour and the glory that I put upon your head shall shine and bring such as I will out of darkness. Do not consider the things that are happening as not being understood by me, for I am doing what I have always done. I will cause the captivity of many to be unloosed as I have done in the past, and you shall see the justice hammer come down on those that kept my children in bondage. For yes, the stirring shall be like a swift river overflowing its banks going forth and bringing justice yet bringing mercy. It shall happen and you shall see it. Fear not as you see these things come upon the face of the earth, for it is I that is stirring up these things saith the Lord.
For I would say unto you that many have walked in the way of fear. Know that this is not of me saith the Lord, for I have not given you the spirit of fear. The enemy has come in and you have listened to him and his lies. For I have not given you this spirit of fear. For the enemy has planted doubt in your mind, doubt that I am not the God that you should serve. For you would think there have been delays and the enemy has used this to bring distraction, doubt, and fear into your lives. I am the God of power and love and soundness in mind. I bring peace that passes all understanding. I bring hope that is not delayed. Yet, you have not listened to my words that I have spoken to you from the prophets of long ago through MY WORD that build your faith, saith the Lord. You have kindled a little fire of doubt that is now burning into a great flame that has weakened your faith. So, my child, understand that there is no place for fear in the lives of my children. I have made you to be more than conquerors through my Son. So, shake off this fear, and rise up and say enough is enough. Take the sword of my Spirit which is the word of God and cut off the enemy of fear’s head so that he will never rise again. I would say that today is the day that you must do this, for in doing this you will find victory in your life. If you heed my word and do this, you shall go forth and do valiantly. But if you neglect to kill this enemy of fear you will only grow weaker and weaker to the point that your strength will not be renewed. You must wait upon me my child. You must come into my presence and rise up as an eagle and fly with the angels into battle. You must heed this warning my child, for your faith has grown weak through the deceptions and distractions that the enemy has sent. Know you not the reason a horse wears blinders in a race? It is so they do not fear what is on either side of them. For surely as the horse looks ahead unto the finish line you must put blinders on to all that the enemy throws your way so that you will not be taken off track. Yield to the prompting of MY Spirit saith the Lord. Do not give in to the spirit of fear, for it will only bring destruction. This is your hour to be strong in me and my promises saith the Lord. Repent for this hour is your hour to finish the race with all certainty, knowing that I am with you and will never leave you. So, rise up from that place of doubt and fear and run the race my child. Run it with faith and confidence that I am with you. For I have given you power and strength and a sound mind to perform all that is necessary to win your race saith the Lord.
For I would say that your days of dryness are over. I am about to pour out my living water upon you and all that you touch. Yes, you have felt that you have been in a desert place with no where to drink from, but I am bringing you into an oasis where you will find refreshing saith the Lord. For there have been many days that the enemy has zapped strength from you almost to the point that you would have given up and left this life it I hadn’t said no more. For you have withstood this severe testing and now you will see things become much watered. For this water shall bring forth fruit that will bring forth a harvest. For you have been found faithful. Yes. Even many of your friends have been as Job of old telling you what you had to do. But they had not inquired of me saith the Lord. You have withstood the mocking and the shame of words and pressure. And you shall come forth from this fire of dryness with a new anointing upon you. For I would say to you this day. Rise up and proclaim the water of life to flow over you. Receive it now and walk in it saith the Lord. For wherever you go your footsteps shall leave the water of life. Many will see it and desire to have it. But it only come to those that have come through the testing and have not yielded to the flesh in this hour. Rise up my child and go forth in my power and strength knowing that I am guiding you and leading you to that oasis where you will be refreshed. Come there often. For the days ahead will require it. For there will be many fiery battles. But the water of life within you shall flow forth and quench the fires of the enemy. Go forth now saith the Lord. Rise up and walk in my anointing.
Some of us feel we are being stretched further than ever. Some are stretched in their finances to the point of being overwhelmed as to what to do next. Others have been in a season of warfare for your health like never before. Your faith has been stretched to the limit as you stand in faith to receive the promises of God.
What I am seeing is that each situation is like an arrow that God has taken out of his quiver and placed in his bow. He has a target and to reach it, it will take the pull of the string back further than ever before. Where he is taking you is way beyond what you have even imagined, but your faith (the arrow) is being pulled back and stretched more than ever.
If you yield to the stretching you will go exactly where God intends you to go, but if you do not yield and fight against the stretching you will fall out of the bow flat to the ground. Then God will have to do the picking up and stretching again. It will take you much longer to get to the destination (destiny) that he has for you.
I see a remnant willing to be stretched to the limit because they know the season ahead must only be lived by faith. They know that God will place them in his hands and send them where he intends for them to be. They know that God will shoot them into places that may be hard, but he will be with them there.
Those that aren’t willing to be stretched will not make it in the season that is coming on the church and upon the earth. You will fail in the purpose that God has for you. Whining and complaining about the stretching will only make it worse.
Remember, praise is the weapon that defeats the enemy, so praise God in the stretching and believe that He knows what is best for you. Yield yourself to the stretching and soar as God brings you to your destiny.
There is a stirring, there is a stirring saith the Lord, for I am stirring the water and I would bid you to step in. As the pool of Bethsaida was a place where miracles happened, I would say to you this day as you step into the water and let it cover you, that you will see a stirring of the water that will bring the blessing of Abraham upon you. For I am about to stir up the water and pour the blessing out upon you. Step into the water for healing. Step into the water for financial remuneration. Step into the water for insight and ideas that will bring changes to your life. For I am the Lord that would pour this out and I am the Lord that will bless you. For my people have held back. They have not given their all. They have not immersed themselves in the water. They have not received for they have been filled with doubt and unbelief. This is the hour for you to step into the water and receive like you have never received before. This pouring out is going to be an overflow as you step into the water. You will see it and through you, others will receive it also. So do not hold back. Step into the water now and receive saith the Lord.
Come my child and sit at my feet for I have much to share with you. You have been so busy of late that you have not taken the time to come and just be still in my presence. You have been made weary in well doing, and I want to refresh you saith the Lord. For you have many questions and many thoughts as to what you are doing, and I want to share with you some things. For, I have been busy putting the puzzle pieces together so that your destiny will be fulfilled. The questions you have had only stay my hand, for in my timing things will come together. I could not assemble the hard pieces until I show you the plan. For the pieces will not fit together unless they are done in my way and in my time. I have not alluded your questions my child, I only stayed my hand as I worked these things together. For often you went off the path and I had to reassemble how things would fit. As you sit here in my presence and let go of these thoughts the peace will come. For the questioning shows the lack of trust in my plan for you saith the Lord. Can you not see that I would never put you in a place that would cause you harm? Can you not see that the plan that I have for you is good? But you must let me put it together. You have tried many things and they have not succeeded for they came of your soul and not from the spirit. Your mind has been busy trying to figure things out so that it has become a time of torment for you. So, I would say, let these thoughts and questions just fall away, and take one breath at a time. I have promised you that my Spirit will lead you into all truth, but it must be a following, not a leading of your own. You have tugged at the hem of my garment and slowed the journey down because you were not content to go in faith but wanted to go by sight. You must allow me to put blinders on your mind and then only will you see in the spirit. I have a great plan for you, and it will unfold step by step as you trust me. Do not hesitate to just sit quiet and wait for your instructions. For I cannot work through a weary mind. I cannot work through a weary body. You must rest and trust me as you go forward for what is ahead will be a hard path, and it will take great faith to stay on the path and not venture off it. There will be many distractions to try to keep you away from this quiet time, but I would say that this is so important to come aside; more than anything you could do. For in these quiet times, you will feel my presence and you will be refreshed. You will go forth refreshed and secure in knowing that I am leading you. So, come now, sit at my feet, and let me refresh and instruct you saith the Lord.
For the past couple of months, the Lord has been speaking to me about animals. I keep hearing that there is coming a time very shortly and perhaps has already begun that animals are going to become increasingly aggressive. This will happen both in the wild and even with animals that are pets.
In Revelation 6 we see the seals being opened. The fourth seal is spoken of in 7-8 where it says “And I looked, and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”
I truly believe that we are in this fourth seal. With the plague that has hit the world, and the famine that is already upon the entire earth, with many thousands of deaths, we are about to see animals taken over by spirits and bringing death. It could happen even with animals being injected with something that brings about a plague, but I see it as spiritual. Whatever it is, according to this scripture at least two billion people will die.
If you know anything about witchcraft you will know that many times demon spirits enter animals. This is what I see happening. In Florida, the alligators are more aggressive than ever. Snakes are aggressive. Bears are coming into communities, and I am sure there is much more than just these instances happening.
With the food shortage that has started, there will be tough choices to be made as to whom is fed: you or your pet. There may not be enough food available for yourself as well as for your pets. If that happens animals will be scavenging for food and will be very agitated. This might also be what causes them to kill.
I share this word because I feel it is so necessary to warn the body of Christ what a watchman for the Lord sees so they can prepare. If you have pets, make sure you pray over them every day to keep them covered. Speak life over yourself wherever you go. Make sure you wear the armor of God 24/7 as your protection. The armor is Jesus, and He must reign in every area of your life.
More than one of my friends in the prophetic has seen this also. Please take this to prayer and consider what I have shared, for according to scripture it is coming, and perhaps as I see it is already here. I do not want you to walk in fear, but you do need to prepare.
For this is not the hour for you to question whether you hear from me or not, for I would say that you do hear, and you have pondered as to whether it was me, but it is me. I have been speaking to you in the night hours while you have cried out but often you do not hear my voice. I would say that this is the hour to be activated for you have held back when I have said there was a green light. You have been in neutral when I said the light was green. Though none will go with you, I would say, it is your call, your vision, and your hour to be activated. Do not depend upon those around you to confirm what I have called you to do, for they would often discourage you and say it isn’t possible for you to do what you have been called to do, but even as I called the prophets of old that were common men and women, I would say it was not in their own strength that they went forth. They totally, and completely had to focus on my voice. They went forward not knowing what to expect. There were the Abraham’s and the Isaac’s and the Moses’s but today there is you. You have been equipped for such a time as this. Do not try to do what I have asked you to do in your own strength for you would fail. You have come to the Red Sea and see it as an obstacle for you to not go forward, but it is not an obstacle my child. It is an opportunity for me to get the glory. For I will not share my glory with anyone. It will be me that leads, and me that guides, and it will be me that will get the glory. So, rise up, and shake off the dust of those that have tried to hinder you and be what I have called you to be. This is your hour for my glory to rest upon you. You shall go forward and if you do not look back you shall see doors open that no man can shut, and doors shut that no man can open. Do not depend upon the arm of the flesh for it will fail you. Depend upon me saith the Lord, for I am with you. This is your hour to rise and shine saith the Lord.
For this is the hour to rise up and be all that I have called you to be. You have held back, and thought you were not prepared, but I would say that you are ready for the hour is at hand for the remnant to rise up. Do not think that you are going forth in your own strength, for I will be with you. I am opening doors that no man shut and have already shut doors that no man can open. As you go forth do not look to the left or right to see what others are doing, for the assignment I have for you is your assignment I have made you as unique and precious a person that is alive. I will guide you as you go forth. Yes, there are times that you will fill inadequate, but I will be there with you in those moments. Those are the times to come aside and be refreshed in my presence. Those are the times to trust me more than your circumstances. For there is much coming on the horizon that will bring much chaos to your land, and you will shine in that darkness. Do not fear! I have prepared the way. I will work through you, and you shall do great exploits as you yield to my leading. Yes, there will be very hard times
, but did I not take care of my prophets and saints of old when they trusted me? Did I not provide in the wilderness where neither shoe wore out or foot grew? I shall certainly bring miracles through you in this hour for you are my child and a father always provides for his children. I would say tighten your armor as you go forth for there may be some places that are not as secure as others. Make adjustments as needed and you will be safe. For my child, you were chosen for such a time as this. There is no need to reach out the scepter, for my son has secured the way into the throne room. Come, ask, and receive all that you need in this hour. For I am your provider. Do not look to man for your provision. I work through mankind, but it is I that provides. Have I not said that I would provide all your needs? Yes, there will be valleys and there will be mountaintops ahead, but I will be with you as you trust me saith the Lord. So, rise up, and go forth and know that I am here saith the Lord.
Do you notice my child when storms come, and a strong wind blows that the trees that bend with the wind remain standing after the storm? So, it will be with you and my children. There are some storms coming that would break the strongest of trees, but as they yield to the wind so must you. Go with the wind and do not think it will take you to places that you are familiar with, for it will open the door to new things and new challenges for you and my children. It will usher in the wind of my presence while the winds of life are blowing hard. You must yield to this wind, or you will break. This is the season of uprooting and those that do not yield will find themselves uprooted when I did not want them to be. So, take this as a word from me to keep yourself strong but also flexible as these strong storms with their winds come. There will be a cleansing because of this wind. It will uproot systems that have been strong for years in the enemy’s camp, but my wind will bring their uprooting. You shall see many uprooted and fall because the wind will uproot all that is not of me. You will see the scattered pieces of many so-called kingdoms that have risen up, but my wind will bring them down. There will be much chaos when this happens but know that as you yield to me and the wind of my Spirit that you will stand strong. Do not focus on the chaos, for like those that were in the ark, they were safe. They would have been terrified to look at what was happening outside the ark, but for those in me, there will be peace. You know this is all about to happen when you hear the words of peace and safety, for then this wind of destruction shall come. It will begin in my house and move out into the streets of the earth. Prepare yourself my child. Make sure you are anchored in the solid rock and not the sand when these winds come, for if those that are uprooted had listened to me, they would have known what would come and would have been prepared. Do not fear, for this hour must come and it will come soon my child. For it must take place before my return to take away my bride. So, stand firm, in me and know that you will be safe for you put your trust in the I AM and not any other saith the Lord.
I would say unto you today that you have withstood the test of the fires that I have allowed in your life. There were many times that you have wanted to quit, but you remained faithful even when it looked like all hope was gone. You felt the pain and anguish of the heat, but it was necessary for you to go through this heat to come forth as strong as steel. For many have not gone through the test, and they have fallen by the wayside. They did not yield to the testing for they fought against me saith the Lord. All that are in me will suffer many afflictions, but I will deliver those that trust me and have faith in my word to come through the test stronger than when they went into the testing. For there is an army rising up of the faithful ones that stood when others fell. There is an army rising up of faithful soldiers ready to receive their marching orders. For my children, there is a war on the horizon that will bring many into a place of fear, but you will not fear for you know that the battle belongs to me, and not you. You have seen my might when you had no might. You have seen my love when no one was there to love. You have seen my power when you felt that you were powerless. You have learned where your strength comes from and have determined to endure to the end. In this hour that is upon you now there will be a great shaking of faith, but you will come through this shaking as you trust me. Just as a soldier must go through military boot camp to learn how to use his offensive weapons, so you also have been in training for what is to come. Think not that the testing is the war. It is not the war. There is a war coming that will be fiercer than ever, yet those that have submitted to my military training through the testing and the trials will be valiant in this war. They shall rise up in my power and be used of me to bring many out of darkness and into my kingdom. Yes, there is war ahead. There will be great fear for many, but those that trust me will not walk in fear. They know the source of their strength is in me. Do not be surprised when the enemy attacks on your own land, for it will happen. It will come just as it did on that fateful day in 9/11. Many were caught off guard, but those that walked with me were prepared. So, my child, do not be surprised when this happens. Judgment must take place, but I will redeem my own from destruction. I will raise my banner up and there will be no lack of victory for those that trust me. I will be with those that trust me, but the fainthearted will fail the test. This is not the time for lack of faith. This is the time to stand firm and declare the word over yourself and over your family, for the battle shall be intense. Spend much time with me in my presence to hear your assignment for Satan will put traps before you. Do not listen to his lies or fall into his traps. The faithful ones will go forth and do great exploits, armed in my armor as champions saith the Lord.
For I would say unto you that this is not the hour to back down. The battle will become more intense, and you must be prepared for the heat of the battle. I would say unto you keep your sword sharp and your shield up for there will be many darts that would try to penetrate your spirit, soul, and body. But I would say that the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit will deflect those darts. Also, be on the offensive and not the defensive. Go into those areas that the enemy has taken and cut away the debris and take back what has been stolen. For he has placed much junk to thwart you and deceive you from reaching that which was stolen. He has set many traps and many diversions to keep you off the path but go forth and do not look to the left or right as you do battle. For surely you shall take back what is rightfully yours, and you shall see victory in things of which you had not thought. For I am leading you into this offensive attack, and I will show you the clear path to take. So, rise up in full armor, for now, the hour of resistance is here. It is not the hour of preparation; it is the hour of going forth and doing what I have told you to do. It is not the time to sit in neutral, for I would say it is time to go forth in full throttle. Remember my child that I am with you. Listen closely to Holy Spirit as you go to avoid the traps, and you shall see the victory saith the Lord.
I would say that there is a storm coming and it is on the horizon. You would look and say what is it Lord? Who is it Lord? Where is this storm coming from? And I would say look my child and you shall see. It is a storm of my remnant coming forth as a swarm overtaking the land. For this remnant has come together and will sweep across areas in such a way that the enemy will be taken down swiftly. Oh yes, this is a storm, like stormtroopers coming in from every direction. Do you see the enemy cower? He is cowering because he knows that his time is short. He cowers in fear knowing his destination. For this swarm is mighty and going forth to conquer saith the Lord. It has risen up for this hour and come together to bid my call. It has crucified the flesh and has laid down its own plans to respond to its general, the commander in chief, the mighty one of Israel that will lead this storm to victory. You shall see a storm in the natural and you will know that the spiritual storm will arise at the same time, for it is about to happen. Now my child do not fear, for I am at the head of this storm with you following me, dressed in complete armor ready to take the enemy by surprise. There will be victory after victory for those that follow my lead, for this is your hour to rise and be a part of this mighty army that will take the enemy down. For you shall see him defeated in area after area. He cowers knowing that his time is short. So, rise up and be ready and await my marching orders for the storm shall surely come saith the Lord. It shall surely come.
For I have set you apart for this season saith the Lord, and I would say, come to the winepress and I will show you how the wine is made. Do you see the grapes my child? They are fully ripe and have been harvested; but now is the time for the crushing. You see my child there is no pouring out of the wine without the crushing of the grapes. The grapes are the fruit in your life that I am pleased with, but now it is time for the fruit to be crushed so the pure wine of the vine can come forth. Do you notice that the grapes are put there by the ones that have grown them? Do you notice how they are poured onto the press? Do you think the grapes realize that this is the time for change? No, my child for if they knew they would escape the husbandman’s hand and would flee. They are harvested for this hour and for this purpose. Watch closely as the press begins. It will begin slowly for if it was speedily the grapes would fall from the press. Then as the process begins, the crushing becomes more intense, and the hulls of the grapes are sifted from the pure fruit of the vine. So, it will be with you, my child. You will see this hour as something very unpleasant as the crushing away of those things has to happen to bring forth the true fruit of the vine in your life. As it is crushed, it changes the way the grape is viewed. It no longer is plush full and ready to be eaten. For you, the grapes of my field were chosen to be the precious wine that can only come through the crushing. I will take you now to the olive press my child, and you shall see how the oil comes forth. It too only comes forth through the crushing of the fruit, but what comes forth is the anointing oil that brings forth the anointing in your life. So too, shall the things that need to be crushed to bring forth the anointing will happen with you my child, for I long to pour my anointing out upon you, but it will only come through the crushing. Oh, you have the fruit, but the fruit must be crushed to bring forth the anointing. Now that you have seen the press my child it is up to you to go through this process, but I can assure you that the outcome will be far more valuable than the pain of the crushing. You shall see things change in your life as the wine and the oil are poured out from you and into others. Will you be as one that surrenders and says not my will but thine oh Lord be done? If so, my child be prepared for this season of crushing. It will begin slowly but will become very intense even so that your entire being would cry out to me and ask why I have forsaken you, but you must realize this must take place to be used as the precious oil and wine for my kingdom, saith the Lord.
Woe unto the prophets that would prophesy that all is good when there is a shaking and quaking coming that will bring men to their knees and bring destruction and famine. Woe to those that sit in the pew and listen for a tickling ear message, for I would say that your ears will burn with the word of God that will bring down houses that say they are of me, and they are not. Woe unto them that prophesy that riches and fame are yours for the asking, for I would say unto you that the riches of this world shall bring you down saith the Lord. This is the season of cleansing, and my fire shall burn throughout the land. It will burn in the churches that have stood on the fence and they shall be burned without repentance. It shall burn in lives that have compromised the word and have shared what men want to hear rather than what I would have them hear. The day of the false prophet will be made more clearer than ever. For I will expose those that have secret sin and will bring them to their knees in repentance or will burn them up along with their vanities saith the Lord. For this is the hour that will bring much sorrow to those that have not heeded the call to come to me and be repentant of heart. For there will be much sorrow as plague after plague will be sent just as in the days of Moses before Pharaoh. For I will bring judgment on those that have said good is evil and evil good. It will start with those in leadership and will come down into the houses of those that have little for they have turned their backs to me. They have hardened their hearts and have become as hard as stone. For those stones shall be crushed under the weight of my judgment. I would say this is not the hour to play the game of church. This is the hour for the true church to rise up and be the mouthpiece to call sin, sin and evil, evil. This is the hour to rise and shine and be what I have called you to be. But woe unto those that have heard the call and have not heeded it, for surely as the handwriting was on the wall, your days are numbered saith the Lord. Turn, turn back to me with a repentant heart and I will spare you. Be the watchman that soundeth the alarm when they see evil coming. Be the ones that will pay the price no matter what the cost shall be saith the Lord. For the time is at hand that these things shall take place. There are no more warnings. For I have declared it saith the Lord.
DECEMBER 31, 2021
For I would say unto you that this is a day of new beginnings. For old things have passed away, and I make all things new. Today, I would say to examine those things that you would call important and come to me with them for I will show you what is important. I will give you the desires of your heart as you come to me and fine tune those things in your life that need adjusting. Your ears have not been as keen as they should be my child for you have been looking at the things around you when you should be focusing on the things within you. Within you is my Spirit that will guide you and lead you in this new season that you are approaching. Yes, there have been many changes already, but I am about to bring more changes. More changes in the things without and the things within. This is the hour for you to totally surrender every area of your life. Your thoughts, your dreams, your hopes, and your goals. Come aside and I will share with you what is best for you, and you will build new things in a new way. I will open doors that I see fit, and I will be shutting doors that are not to be gone through as you surrender your will to me saith the Lord. This is not the time to ride the fence, for those that do will surely fall and may never rise again. This is the day to sell out completely one way or another for there is no middle road. You are either all for me, or you are against me. There can be no middle of the road anymore. I have given grace, but this is about to change. You cannot serve two masters. You must make the choice. For this is the hour of new things. I will cause my remnant to hear and do things that they have never thought were imaginable. Mighty miracles shall flow through those that are sold out. There will be a move in those lives that are totally surrendered that will hear my voice when I say this is the way, walk ye in it, and they will heed that call. So, determine to go all the way with me. Come often into the secret place and refresh yourself as you sit at my feet. The time to be a Martha is over. For only those that have the spirit of her sister Mary will be able to endure in what is coming soon. There will be many things that will bring chaos all over the world, and only those that are secure in me will be able to withstand the outside pressures. Yes, there are many hard days coming. There will be more and more darkness, but your light, which is my light in you will shine in that darkness if you follow my leading. You will go forth and do great exploits. Do not think that the little things I have asked you to do are invaluable, for they show your obedience. Once you have done those little things then you will be advanced. You must build brick upon brick, or the wall will crumble, and so it is with the things of my kingdom. There must be a building of a sure foundation. You have started your journey and will be led by my Spirit. Just watch, and pray, and listen to my leading and you shall see those things that I have just mentioned come to pass in your life. Remember, that this is the season of great deception, so test the spirits and see if they are of me, for there will be many false prophetic words coming forth. Only those that hear the Shepherd’s voice will be led safely my child. So, watch, and listen, and come into that place where we can come together, and you will go forth stronger than ever saith the Lord.
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As surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, my word shall arise and go forth that I have proclaimed over you. For there will be a shifting in the spirit realm unlike any shifting that has taken place. The battle is fierce, for the day is at hand that will be the final showdown of evil vs. good. You are the light my children that must be taken into a dark world. You must proclaim the good news of the gospel to those that are in darkness before it is too late. The chess pieces are on the table, and I am about to say checkmate, and the game of life will be over for many. Rise up and be what you have been ordained to be. Be the mouthpiece of my word that surely must be spoken in this hour. Do not hold back for many, yes, many are in the valley of decision and the enemy would pull them into darkness more and more. You must, again I say must, go forth into the darkness with my light and dispel the lies of Satan that have been planted in their lives. You will see the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit upon you as you go forth. Words will come from your lips that will be so powerful that they will break the chains off those that are being held captive by Satan’s snares. So, rise up now, and come out of your slumber and stay alert for I will be with you. I will be like the cloud by day and the pillar of fire at night that will lead you in the right way. Time is being shortened, so do what I bid you quickly before the time is gone for the ones that will perish. Do not let their blood be upon your hands. The watchman must warn those in darkness, or they will be held accountable. So, again, I say rise up and go forth for I will be with you saith the Lord.
For I have often called to you to come aside and rest in my presence and there have been those that have heeded my calling, but there are many that have been distracted in this hour and have failed to come and be with me. The testing period is going to increase for only those that come through the tests of the fire will be able to stand in the days ahead. There will be an outpouring of my spirit greater than before upon those that come and sit at my feet, but for those that don’t there will be greater and greater deception that will lead them away from the Word of Truth. Do not hesitate to sit often at my feet for this hour that is about to come will bring many things. There have been many strategic moves on my timetable, and I am putting in place those that are willing to yield to my leading. As they are strategically placed, they will see me move in their lives greater than ever, bringing my glory and my outpouring to those they minister to.
While at the same time be aware that in this season that is approaching there will be much that appears as light, but it is not of me. The deception will look so real that many will fail to discern the difference between the real and the deception. You must, again I say must, listen to my Spirit more than you ever have in this hour. There is about to take place a shift that will be like an earthquake in the natural, opening up the earth and causing many to fall into it, but it also will happen spiritually for those that are not aware of its coming. You must watch and pray like you never have before. You must daily be in my presence to ward off what is about to take place so that you are secure in my arms.
There will be a greater shaking than ever for this is the hour of revealing the darkness to those whose eyes are tuned to the light. Do not concentrate on the darkness. Concentrate on the light for the light will overtake the darkness when it is elevated. The deception will be so great than many that appear to have been my servants will be totally deceived.
So, my children, come apart and spend time with me so you will not fall for Satan’s many devises that are about to be displayed. I am here awaiting your presence. I am here to sustain you in this hour. I am here to bring you the truth you will need, and you shall be victorious as you are sustained by my presence saith the Lord.
Let's talk about a subject that church has not prepared its people for:
Death and Dying
This is your season. This is your time to rise up and be all that God has called you to be. This is your hour to march into the enemy's camp and take down the Goliath's that have raised up their ugly heads and bring them down. As the Spirit of God was on David, let it come on you and let the anointing destroy the yoke of bondage that is holding others in captivity. This is not the time to walk in fear! This is the time to put on God's armor and go forth. Know this - that if David had depended upon the armor of man he would have surely failed, but the armor of God is designed with only you in mind. It fits you like a glove, and it will see you through the battle. The sling is the word of God, and you must sling it at enemy and at the enemy's words, actions, and deeds to take him down. Do not cower in his presence for I am with you saith the Lord, and I will surely see this battle be won as you go forth in my power, my might, and my anointing. For I am with you and in you as you go forth and together, we shall see things change. So, rise up and go forth, being led of my Spirit into this battle, for I am looking for those that have my heart and will take back what Satan has stolen. This is your hour, so rise up and go forth in my name saith the Lord.
What would you have me say, saith the Lord? Would you have me say all is well when it is not? Would you have me say that sin is not rampant? For I would say to you that these are as the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah. Oh yes, there are more than ten righteous, but the sin has entered my nostrils and I am about to bring a firm hand of discipline upon those that insist on living in sin. For there are many that are in my house that practice these vile things and it must not be so. Just as I drove the money changers out when I walked in Jerusalem, I am about to do a house cleaning that will leave many stripped of all they have. For I would say my house is to be a place that is of me and not the world. It must be a place where one can come and escape the lusts of the world, but it has been turned into something vile. Oh yes, there are those that have stood the test and are still standing, but there are many that have not heeded the warning to clean house. They will be brought down with a single puff of my breath. And they will rise no more. For I have visited them in the night and have spoken to them by my Spirit, but they would not listen and repent. They are bound up in the sins of the flesh, so now I must deal with it. I would say in the hours to come that there will be much shifting and shaking in my house. I would say to you that are under such ones that you must come out from their leadership before you too will suffer the consequences. Oh, some would say it is just a little problem and others would say that what is being done is okay, but I would say that they are wrong, and they shall see the puff of my breath greater than ever before blowing these things down. Come out of them my children and repent for having stayed. Come out from them as Lot came out, and do not look back, for the shifting and shaking will be far greater than you may think. For I am coming back for a bride without spot or blemish. I am coming back for a bride that puts me above all others. I am coming back for a bride that will not forsake me for the things of the world. The hour is at hand my children. Watch and pray that you are not caught up in the things that will be brought down shortly.
The path is being cleared of the rubble and the rocks that have kept you from going forward. The obstacles have been removed and the Waymaker of your life has made a way for you to go forward. This has been a season of much adversity, many suddenlies have taken place, but I am rearranging things for you to now move in the direction that I have called you to move in. Do not let the weight of the past and the heavy burdens keep you from going forward, for I would say take all of those cares and give them to me so that I can deal with the brokenness that came. I will be the one that brings healing so you can go forth refreshed and renewed. For, I have called you for such a time as this. There have been years of wondering and waiting, but now is the hour that you will go forward. As you leave the things of this present stage of your life you must also leave with no regrets. You must dismiss those things that you think were failures and dismiss those things that you think are victories. For this is a new hour, a new season. There will be many changes, but they are for your good saith the Lord. Do not rely upon the arm of the flesh in this transition, for the arm of flesh will fail you. Look unto me and know that I have repaired the breach but have also broken down many walls that will allow a smooth transition. So, arise, knowing that you are going forth in my will and that I will see you through this transition. My child there is much joy awaiting you for you shall see those things that have been told of old. Many mighty miracles will take place as you obediently go forward. Am I not the Waymaker? Am I not the God of provision? Oh yes, I AM saith the Lord, so have no doubts that I am directing you for I have birthed in you a new vision, a new fresh start, so go forth with my blessing saith the Lord.
For I would say that the waiting period is over. You are in the delivery room my child and are about to birth what you have been long awaiting. The pain will come because of the necessity it brings to the delivery. The pain comes because it is birthing something new. Do not focus on the pain, for the end result will be well worth the pain. I am bringing and birthing a new thing in your life. I shall go before you and make a way for the delivery to be all that you have desired, for I have found you faithful. Yes, there have been many trials and many fires in the furnace of affliction, but I have tested and proved you and found you faithful. This is the hour to push through. Oh yes, the labor has been long and hard, but there must be a push to bring forth the desired birth. Do not hesitate to call upon me for I will be there to bring forth the delivery. It has been a season of waiting for you, but it had to come to bring the perfected vision to birth. It could not be hurried just as a woman must not hurry the process of delivering a child before its time. Many have done that, and their vision was stillborn. You have waited and you have been found faithful, So, know that the birthing is at hand, and you shall see a mighty work come into your life. There will be many that will be touched through this birthing because it is not only for you, it is for others also. Just as Mary held me in the womb and brought forth my birth, it was not for her alone, but it was for the world. You shall see much fruit also from your birthing of this new work. So, trust me in this hour, push and be confident that I am bringing this to pass saith the Lord.
Press in, press in, saith the Lord, for this is not the hour to sit back and watch. This is the hour to press into my promises like never before. Yes, there is coming gross darkness, but I have called you to be the light of the world. My promises shall sustain you as you press in. For this hour has been told before times that it would come, and surely as it has been said, it is upon you. These days are the days of gross darkness, but these days are the days for you to rise and shine. For you know the light, you walk in the light, and you will take the light, but you must press in and be all that I have called you to be in this hour. Do not look at the darkness my children for it will consume you. Take my light into the darkness and it shall flee. Be what you were called to be from your mother’s womb. For in this hour as you lift up the light others shall join with you and there shall be a move of the light of God like never before seen. You shall invade the enemy’s territory as you rise up and shine. I shall be with you. Do not fear what man can do to you for I am with you. So, press in now, and go forth and shine saith the Lord.
Rise up rise up for this is not the hour to sleep this is the hour to rise up and go forth. This is the hour to take back with the enemy has stolen. This is the hour to go into the enemy’s camp and take back what has been stolen saith the Lord. This is the hour to rise up for there is no time for sleep saith the Lord for you have slumbered. Now is your time to rise up and go forth in my might and in my power and anointing for I am with you saith the Lord. For you shall go forth and do mighty exploits. You shall go forth and you shall see the passion that I put in your heart come to pass saith the Lord. Yes, there is gross darkness but the light that you bring into the darkness will cause many to come to the light. Now rise up and go forth saith the Lord. This is your hour to shine like never before.
For I would say unto you that the winds of change are blowing and will continue to blow harder. It will blow from the north, the south, the east and the west. It will cause a shaking of foundations that are not built on the solid rock, which is Christ Jesus. This wind will come to bring judgment, but this wind also will come to bring repentance. Let those that are walking in sin and have not considered my wrath turn from their wicked ways, saith the Lord. Turn now before there is no other chance given. Let those that are walking in righteousness and integrity rise up and be what I have called them to be in this hour saith the Lord. The wind will take you into places that you have not yet thought of and will bring you as a mouthpiece to those that need to hear my word saith the Lord. Do not look at the wind as something evil, for as in the days of old when I brought judgment to Israel it was not to destroy them, but it was to turn their hearts back to me. Many were the time that I had to do this, but this is the hour for a stronger wind than ever. There are those that will be fearful, but as the righteous ones rise up in the power of my spirit those in fear will come to know me saith the Lord. The separation is going to be so evident that one will know those that are on my side and those that are against me. The time is here, and the wind is here, and it will continue to blow. Now come apart and be refreshed in my presence and prepare for the wind to take you to uncharted areas. For yes, it is I that is leading you and it will happen quickly. Do not be concerned about the where or when, just be prepared for it to come. For I have declared it and it shall happen saith the Lord.
JULY 19, 2021
We’ve been in the calm of eye of the storm but what’s coming will shake our country and the world to its core. We must stay prayed up and be prepared for the worst. At the same time, it’s our hour to shine in the darkness like we’ve never shone!! Fear will try to control many, but God has given us the spirit of power love and a sound mind. Love will drive fear out. Praise will give us a sound mind and the power of God will override the fear. Focus on those three things. Power love and a sound mind. They will carry us through!
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Prophetic Exhortation
God is saying that he is going to make a way where there is no way. He is going to open doors that no man can shut and shut doors that no man can open. Look unto him, the author and finisher of your faith. Do not look to man for man will fail you. God's arm is not short. He will bring it to pass what he has promised. Press into the promise and don't let go.
Prophetic Exhortation
God is stretching your faith because he is about to enlarge your tent. Be ready and willing to let go of what is in your hand so that he can fill it fuller! This is your season to rise and be all that He has intended you to be. No binders. No hindrances. No holding back. God is doing a new thing in your life. Receive it in the name of Jesus!
7-8-2021 - A prophetic exhortation - suddenlies are coming
JUNE 23, 2020
There will be many suddenlies in the days ahead. It is not time to dwell on those suddenlies. It is time to prepare yourself in spirit, soul, and body. It is time to have your heart pure and your motives pure. These suddenlies will catch many off guard. There will be sudden moves, sudden promotions, sudden destruction, and sudden deaths. Spend time with me saith the Lord and you will not be caught off guard. For surely, they will come like a wind rising on the calm sea that catches the one in the boat off guard and brings much fear. Those that do not spend time with me will be shaken to the core. Those that know the suddenlies are coming will lean into the wind and it will transport them to their destination. You cannot stop these suddenlies for they shall surely come and are even now on the way. Prepare my children, prepare. Watch and pray and stay in my presence and you will not be caught off guard.
For I would say unto you in this hour that you must prepare for what is coming on the horizon. I have said it before, and I say it again. Be prepared. It is more than just a word to hear. It is a word to obey, for what is coming on the horizon will cause much fear and terror in the natural. But for those that have prepared themselves spiritually it will not come as a surprise. For the days of darkness are at hand, but have I not said to you to rise and shine for my light is come upon you. Yes, there will be gross darkness, but those that have spent time with me shall shine in the darkness, as Moses’ face shone when he left my presence. The fear of the Lord will be the result of this time spent with me. I would say prepare my children and come into the secret place where I will anoint your head with oil, and I will shod your feet with peace, and I will put the salvation of my son into your mind. There will be much fear in the days ahead, but I would call you to be the one to stand strong and be the one that would say to the enemy, “cease and desist”. I would call you to put on your armor and fight the fight in the heavenlies against the opposition. There are many lives depending upon your obedience. Now come away and spend time in preparation with me and fear not, for I will uphold you with my word. I will show you the way to go, but you must prepare for the hours ahead that are on the horizon saith the Lord.
Be prepared for religious spirits to rise up and come against those that bring the true word of God. As with Jesus they will plot to destroy the true messengers of God’s word for this hour. They will attempt to assassinate you in the spirit realm and the physical realm. Some will be of your own household. Be vigilant and be prepared for much separation as the coming of the Lord draws nearer. There will be painful separations as those that carry the spirit of Judas that have been allowed into your inner circle will be among those that will try to destroy you. Fear not as you go forward in the anointing for such a time as this!
Just as Jesus stood at the graveside of Lazarus and wept he weeps over those that see their vision as having died and without hope. He would say unto you that unless a corn of wheat would fall into the ground and die that it remains alone, but in the dying process much life will come forth. He would say, Vision come forth, for this is your hour for it to rise up and come forth. He would say unloose the graveclothes from this vision and let the life flow from it, for this is the hour for those visions that have died to surely come forth and bring forth much fruit. You have labored hard, and it would seem that all you have put your hand to has gone through your fingers as sand in an hourglass, but the Lord would say that it is not the time to perceive it as being dead. It is not the hour to look at the vision and lose hope. It is not the hour to cast away your confidence. For this is the hour to let that which was dead burst forth from the grave and the grave clothes and have the light of my glory upon it. The Lord would say rise up and come forth vision and accomplish what I have called you to be in this hour. For surely the time is here for the resurrection power to come upon your vision and it shall not be held back. It shall not be held back. It shall come forth in newness of life. It shall come forth and be what I have purposed it to be. Do not look at the circumstances around you my children for they would delay the resurrection. Do not look at what is in your hand to bring forth the vision. For it is not by your hand that it would come forth. It is by my power and my life-giving breath that life will come forth from the grave of dead things. Surely this is the hour for your vision to be brought to life saith the Lord.
Many of you reading this are going through very hard times. There have been losses greater this past year than you can hardly handle. I lift you up in prayer and ask God to touch you and wipe away your tears.
Some of you are in such a dry place, but God is saying the oasis is just ahead. Don't even think for a moment that you won't make it to that oasis, for God is leading you there by his own hand.
Some of you are wondering what the next step is. I would remind you to do only what God has said to do. Sometimes we are at the stop sign deliberately so we don't make a wrong turn. Others have been given the "green light" and God is saying go forward with his approval. Whatever the case is, you will know by His peace. His peace gives you the wisdom to go or to stay.
Spirit of Life Ministries cares about you and are thankful for our readers and our supporters. Have a blessed day!
For I would say to you today to be prepared. Be prepared. Be prepared in spirit, soul and body, for there will be many suddenlies happening in your future. Be prepared. Do not think that they would come without my telling you, for I guide my people by my Spirit saith the Lord. Be prepared, for there are times coming that would wrench the hardest of hearts. Be prepared saith the Lord. Open your spiritual ears to listen more than you have ever listened. For this is the hour of great deception upon the earth. This is the hour that the deceiver would whisper words of comfort when I have shouted prepare saith the Lord. This is not the hour to be at ease. This is the hour to be prepared. For had you prepared in the past, then you would have not been caught off guard. Many have been deceived into thinking all is well, but I would say, be prepared. This is the hour to draw closer to me and stay there saith the Lord. Tune into my Spirit and turn off those things that are bringing you discord and discontentment. For this is not the hour to listen to false words from false prophets. This is the hour to listen to me. I would say to you that this is the hour to come apart and be prepared for what is on the horizon. Do not be like the foolish virgins that thought they had sufficient when they did not. Be prepared saith the Lord for the hour of temptation is at hand. I will show you the way and I will guide you through but listen now more than ever before saith the Lord. Be prepared!
Come my child and let me teach you the lesson of the weaver and the fabric. See the fabric my child? It is being put together as you look. Do you see it finished and beautiful? No, for it isn’t complete yet, only in part. Look at the edges and look at the design, for they will come together and be beautiful. Now look at the backside of the fabric. Do you see that the backside of the fabric is full of strings and pieces of thread that are not so lovely? Look at it closely. These threads and twists of threads together are what made the other side beautiful. So, it is with your life. You must not look at the side that is full of the twists and hanging threads, for you would be discouraged. See the finished work as I see it and be encouraged that the design for your life is carefully being put together to make a beautiful piece of fabric. As the potter molds the clay and brings the ugly mud into a beautiful pot, so too am I weaving things in your life to make them beautiful. But you must let the weaver’s hand do the work and not let it go unfinished. You must yield to the needle and thread so that I can make the master design of your life my child. Now step back and see the work in progress. Yes, it is still in my hands because you placed it there. You will one day see the entire, but for now you only see the work in progress. I see the finished work, and I am pleased. So, rest, knowing that I am doing the work necessary to bring about the completed work of your life saith the Lord.
As the rain falls and brings refreshing to the earth and all that I have created, I am sending a rain to your dry and thirsty soul. You have longed for this refreshment through the dry spells, and you have certainly been faithful through these dry spells also. I have tested you in the furnace of affliction and am bringing you forth refined and ready to go forth and be what I have purposed for you. Now rise up and lift up your face to this rain and let it saturate you in spirit, soul and body. For I am doing a new thing in your life. Yes, I am doing a new thing. The former things are passed away, and I am doing a new thing. You have certainly been tested and have been tempered for such a time as this, and you will stand tall and strong in this hour because you have been found faithful. Look not at what I am doing in others, for this change is a one on one from me. I have refined you for this hour, and you shall rise up and be all that I have called you to be. Yes, the fires have been hot, but you shall go forth with the fire upon you, burning away the darkness in people’s lives and will see many set free. Do not look at what I have done in the past, for this is a new hour and a new thing that I am doing for and through you. So once again, rise up and receive this rain for it will not only quench you, but it will also flow from you into others, and they too shall be quenched. You have not questioned me before about this you have stayed faithful, and have been found true my child, so drink freely of this refreshing rain and go forth in my power saith the Lord.
4-24-2021 A short encouraging word from the Lord