Helen's Message for today


AFFIRMATION There are so many people hurting in our world. Some have suffered loss of family members. Others have suffered physical and emotional abuse. Some have serious illnesses that they have been dealing with. Some have failed in marriage and feel like their world has ended. The list goes on and on.

One way of showing love to the hurting ones is to give them affirmation for what they do right. Many have never been told anything positive, and they need affirmation. A simple thank you for what they do can change their lives for the good. A word of encouragement to them for the little things they do right makes such a difference for those that are hurting. A smile, a hug, a positive word makes a person that is full of hurt blossom.

Jesus saw the woman at the well, and looked beyond her sin, and her past failed relationships. He gave her hope when he told her that if she drank of his living water that he offered her that she would never thirst again. She then realized that he was the Messiah. Imagine that; a woman like her and Messiah chose to speak to her and give her hope! He chose her over the ones that think they are perfect and did not need him. Hope rose up in her, and she ran to tell others about Jesus. Because of her boldness to tell her story about him, the whole city came to see him.

Yes, affirmation and love shown to the ones that have failed and are hurting can change a life, just like it did for the Samaritan woman and her entire city.

Are you hurting today? Have you failed at life? I am here to tell you that I pray for you and care for you. God has a good plan for you my friend, so do not quit. Don’t give up even when others have given up on you! There are people that care, and I am one of them. God looks at you and sees a live worth saving!

Be the one that affirms the hurting, and you will change a life and the world!